Message from Matthew - September 25, 2017
25.09.2017 17:57 Matthew

As for disclosure and landings, what we told you some time ago still stands: God is in charge of timing as only He can know when safety is certain for the landing parties and Earth’s peoples. Final details of official acknowledgement of extraterrestrial presence will be tailored to that timing, but we haven’t heard of any changes in the basic plan. Via a telecast beamed into all national systems, internationally respected persons will announce that benevolent civilizations’ crafts are in your skies and some will land imminently. Next, well-known dignitaries greeting disembarking crews will be aired, and if not at that time, then soon afterwards, members of our universal family who are assigned to various missions around the world will be introduced in a conference-style telecast. As the society becomes acquainted with their visitors—and light beings throughout this universe will be overjoyed to see Earth’s peoples mingling with these family members!—the scientists among them and your teams of specialists will pool their ideas and technologies and restoration of the planet will begin in earnest.
To readers who asked if it is true, disclosure will happen December 21, we say that while nothing should be considered an impossibility, please do not count on that. The Illuminati don’t want people to even speculate that friendly extraterrestrials may exist light years away. To prevent disclosure and the announcement of NESARA that was scheduled September 12, 2001, the “9/11” betrayal of the people of the United States by their government was carried out, and since then the Illuminati have successfully kept under wraps the truth about that infamous attack and the information that would have been made known at that time.
Absolutely the presence of other civilizations will be officially revealed, but please don’t expect it on a date specified in some message circulating on the Internet—dark sources ascribe fictitious times to events they know will not happen. When the date comes but the event does not, likely reactions include disillusionment, discouragement or anger, feelings that emit the low vibrations dark ones feed on, and if the nonevent convinces people that nothing in channeled messages is believable, that amounts to a double dark coup.
We want to answer here your questions about crop circles because of the circles’ relevancy to disclosure and landings, and we shall get to that. First, though, they are made by specialty artists, you could say, aboard some of the spacecraft surrounding the planet. Their concentration on mental images creates electromagnetic “stencils” that are energetically transferred to selected fields where they bend grain stalks exactly according to the artists’ intricately detailed images.
Some circles do convey messages, but those who make them know that correct interpretations would be rare, so their designs are primarily for beauty and awe. We suggest that interpretations are not necessary to appreciate those aspects of the circles and, of far more importance, their purpose: They are tangible evidence that other civilizations are nearby, and since they can travel to Earth, surely they have the ability to invade, but they haven’t. For forty-some years these stunning patterns that appear overnight mostly in the United Kingdom, but in many other countries, too, and by now number over a thousand, have baffled your scientists and leaders. That alone would be cause for mainstream media never to mention them, but the real reason for censorship is that their precision and sudden appearance cannot be done by human hands—who is doing this?
The Illuminati know. That is why, through their influence in the film and electronic game industries, extraterrestrials are depicted as grotesque creatures that want to conquer Earth and destroy or enslave its inhabitants. If the peoples knew the myriad ways these visitors in your skies have been helping the planet and that when they land, their extraordinary assistance will extend to environmental restoration, they would welcome with open arms the attractive, congenial, loving people from other worlds without any fear whatsoever.
But, the dark ones depend upon fear energy for survival. Thus, along with distorting “aliens,” they must prevent the landings of their crafts laden with technology, and they have done this by keeping your world in one kind of turmoil or another. Although initiating wars, terrorism, and virulent contagious diseases have produced the most widespread chaos and fear, economic conditions and wild weather also serve them well. A recent example is the unusual series of catastrophic storms that their minions in the United States started or intensified, and if the geoengineering can be blamed on Russia, it will be yet another vengeful strike against President Putin for refusing to cooperate with them.
Spacecraft crews lessen the disastrous impact of wind and water to the extent they can, but these occurrences are personal tragedies for the millions directly affected and clearing debris and reconstruction present severe fiscal and logistical situations for the stricken regions. However, the positive effects of mighty storms—the same is true of wildfires and earthquakes—whether of Mother Nature’s doing or humankind’s, outweigh the negative effects. They release negativity so it cannot accumulate and become a food storehouse for dark minds and hearts. They are opportunities for millions of souls to experience chosen karmic lessons. The outpouring of prayers worldwide, volunteers and supplies from distant lands and the groundswell of grassroots assistance to the stricken populations—love-light in action—are further heightening vibrations on the planet and within society. And, each devastating occurrence gives greater awareness that unity of spirit serves all peoples far more so than the divisiveness that the dark ones are trying to perpetuate.
“How come Matthew does not talk about the reptilians that run around on this planet? The ones in government, the ones in the media, the ones that are shapeshifters? Why does he not mention the battle that’s going on between good and evil, and by that I mean Satanism, the Devil?” Let us first say that not all reptilians on Earth are dark and not all darkly-inclined individuals are reptilians. To be sure, some are—royalty that have kept their bloodline pure, members of the “ruling families” who marry to combine their fortunes and power, and some persons who have strong influence in governments—but more humans than reptilians are of dark persuasion, and all are puppets of the off-planet dark forces. And, just as there are light-filled human civilizations, so are there light-filled reptilian civilizations. The latter are eager to dispel the erroneous belief that their species is synonymous with darkness, and they are working side by side with other species to thwart the efforts of their dark kin wherever in the universe they are wreaking havoc.
Every species’ DNA is unique, but it is not the difference in physiology that leads to godly or malevolent pathways. That is a matter of free will choices made by any individual in any species—a soul may be significantly evolved in some aspects and be bereft of light except the spark that is its life force. However, it is the DNA of reptilians off and on the planet that enables them to surpass Earth’s civilization in intelligence and manifesting capability—that is why they can shape-shift—and the small number of persons who are offspring of a human and a reptilian parent inherit parts of DNA from both. Again, this difference in makeup has nothing to do with the conscious choices that lead a person toward the light or the darkness.
Dear brothers and sisters, simply by being you radiate light, and we urge you to think of this reaching everyone who has fallen into darkness—they are the ones who most of all need light. It is the absence of this most powerful force in the universe that motivates them to fill their void by causing fear in others—they need that energy’s low vibrations to sustain themselves and suppress their own fears. They perceive themselves as the world’s rightful rulers and they are afraid of losing that control if light’s high vibrations reach it. That is exactly what light is doing, but what they see as their undoing would be their salvation! The tsunami of light, the same energy as love, that you are sending forth will help those individuals surmount the darkness that has held them captive.
Now I shall speak for myself to tell you about the two reptilian commanders who came to Nirvana 20-some years ago to explain to the Council how their forces would stop the spread of invaders from another galaxy who had entered ours. Their intelligence and straightforwardness in describing their capabilities were impressive indeed, but it was their purpose in coming that was particularly noteworthy. Reptilians are universally known for respecting only civilizations that excel in warrior and weaponry strength; yet, they wanted the Council to know that they would protect Earth’s spirit realm and all other worlds in this galaxy where love-light reigns supreme.
You may be interested in knowing that the commanders’ bodies were shorter and slighter than most adult humans, they had no hair, their skin was gray, their eyes black and piercing. That may not sound appealing, but those poised, quietly self-assured men in simple tailored uniforms looked quite distinguished. Reptilians in other civilizations may look considerably different as species-wide, they can manifest whatever forms they wish and change to another in the blink of an eye.
After the conference, one of the commanders was granted permission by the Council to transmit to my mother a presentation for a book, and his enlightening information was included in a message some years ago. [Horiss’ presentation and description of his people and homeland is a chapter in Voices of the Universe and part of the June 24, 2009 message.] Thank you, Mother.
Now then, the higher perspective of “the battle between good and evil” is light vs. the absence of light; and Devil and Satan are names that personify the dark forces, the vast universal force field comprising the energy emitted by all thoughts, feelings and actions with negative attachments. Religious beliefs devised by the self-serving few so they could control the masses have a Supreme Being that decides where people will go when they die. If they are judged “good,” they are rewarded by going to a restful place and staying there forevermore; if judged “evil,” they go to an eternal hell ruled by the Devil, or Satan. Those beliefs, which have caused centuries of massive bloodshed in the name of God, Allah or any other designation for the Supreme Being of this universe, don’t have a nodding acquaintance with the universal reality that both “good” and “evil” are energy streamers with positive or negative attachments, respectively. With thanks to the light beamed to Earth and radiated by lightworkers, the power of beliefs founded and perpetuated in falsehoods is diminishing.
Dear family, we know you want that and all other advancements in conscious and spiritual awareness to come more swiftly. We know, too, that you don’t remember that civilizations have taken as long as 50,000 years in your concept of time to achieve what you have, but please do see the amazing progress your light has helped to achieve since world transformation began only 80-some years ago.
Never are you alone in your mission to help Earth’s people awaken. We and all other light beings are supporting you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward