Mikos through Dianne Robins: Earth Is Shifting into Higher Dimensions
06.09.2017 19:13 Dianne Robbins | Hollow Earth

Their time is over. A new Earth is dawning, a new sun is rising, and a new heaven is at hand. A glorious time is approaching. It is the freedom you all dream of, being birthed into your present.
In the Hollow Earth, heaven is all we experience, and if there were clouds we would “walk on them” as your saying goes. Soon, you too, will feel the exuberance of “walking on clouds”, as your clouds literally fade away and your atmosphere “lightens” up as the density dissolves and the pollution decreases, to bring your clarity of mind into focus as the new heaven descends upon your Earth plane and you, at last, can touch the stars.
So much is happening at levels you are not consciously aware of yet, to bring you all fully into the Light and back into the Confederation of Planets.
Earth has not been lost. On the contrary, it’s been saved by the Lightworkers who are emitting more and more Light daily, and the company of heaven who have dedicated their lives to raising Earth into the higher vibrations.
All Life Forms Are Opting for the Ascension
All life forms presently on Earth are opting for the ascension. However, some will ascend with the Earth and with us at this time, and the others who have been unconscious of their inner choices and unwilling to ascend at this time, will do so at a later time. Know that the Earth’s ascension is assured.
The people in the Hollow Earth are overjoyed with the rise in frequency that has taken place over the last few years. We yearn to connect with you in the physical, and now this connection is fully assured. We can even “guarantee” this, as you would say above. Yes, you are above us, but depth of location is irrelevant. For with peace coming to the planet, all life will be assured of rapid evolvement to make up for the lost days of darkness.
Humanity has learned its lesson well, and has learned the futility of war and bickering, and cries now for an end to the insanity. And the end is coming. You are witnessing the last eruptions on the surface.
From this point on, you will begin to see the merging of peoples, places and principles, as all come together in ONE UNITED EARTH. This is the day God has been waiting for. This is the day your holy God Selves have been praying for. This is the day we will open up the tunnel exits and come to you, with our brightly colored robes and sparkling sandals, bearing gifts of immense riches and the necessary devices that will return your planet to its pristine state once again, for we can solve all your pollution and sickness problems in just moments.
Copyright © Dianne Robbins