Adama via Ann Dahlberg, September 27th, 2017
29.09.2017 21:10 Ann Dahlberg | Hollow Earth

The free will has always been respected, but as it looks now on Earth there are many souls that are awake and are on their way to wake up. They seek the guidance within themselves and here we on Telos can be of great help as we are not far away. We know your difficulties and what you have battled with. Send a thought about guidance to us and we will be right there by your side. There are many of us among you now. Some are visible, most of the invisible – you just need to stretch out your hand and we will so gladly take it. We have built up a beautiful world during the thousands of years that have passed since our dear Lemuria sank, so we have much experience and technology that we can help you with. We wish nothing more than to collaborate with your dear brothers and sisters and as the consciousness is raised on Earth this possibility is approaching. This is why we have opened up the portals to the Temple of Telos so that you will be able to heal yourself and move forward with the task you took upon yourself when you came down to Earth this time.
The heavy energy has made it hard for you to wake up. Your bodies have also not received the nourishment it needs so that you had to work against the wind. Father/Mother God has now given you a helping hand by opening up for a stronger light that now shines on Earth. This light has gotten many souls to shrug and wish to become part of their own ascension. It now warms our hearts that humanity has taken a collective decision to ascend now. It gives a great expectation about a meeting between our worlds that soon will take place. We follow intensively everything that is happening on the surface of the Earth today. We gladly help you, so call on us and we will see what we can help you with. You are our brothers and sisters and we just as many of you long for yet again bringing our worlds together to a large unit of love and light.
I am Adama and I sent my greetings to you today.
Much love from Telos/Adama