A Message to Lightworkers – September 8, 2017
09.09.2017 21:16 Caroline Oceana Ryan
The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, fellow co-Creators!
We ask in this moment, as you pause from your daily tasks and responsibilities, that you view your life and the Creation into which you were born as an intricate design of perfect balance, perfect energy flow, and perfect systems of renewal.
So that even when your personal challenges and life requirements seem great and heavy, even when your daily Ascension journey, and your practice of sending Divine Love and Light to all who are suffering now—when all of what Earth is experiencing now feels to be chaotic, turbulent, and out of control, you are still allowing yourself moments of pure higher understanding of what is truly happening.
And that understanding is always within you, always informing you that there are no mistakes, that there are no wrong turns.
That there are no accidents or lost moments, in which you cannot connect with your higher self or remember your true inner power, strength, and resilience.

Always—for you, your fellow Light Beings, and your Earth—there is only the clarity of purpose, the beauty of the story that may have dramatic chapters and traumatic-feeling events, but which is never entirely defined by those.
So that when you feel what appears to be the chaos of many thousands driven from their homes by flood, storm, uncontrolled fires, or other disaster, you realize in your high heart that none of this defines how you feel about yourself, nor even defines how those fleeing these events feel about themselves.
You have seen the animals being rescued from fire or rising flood waters, and noted that for the most part, they are not panicking, even if their families are nowhere to be seen at present.
There are several reasons for this.
For one, they correctly sense the Love and concern of those rescuing them, placing them in cages or baskets for safe travel to where they will be fed and kept safe and dry.
For another, animals live entirely in the Present Moment.
So that even if they do not see a family member or familiar caretaker nearby, their calm is based on the heart-based expectation that they will again be in a situation where they are loved and cared for, without being mistreated or abandoned.
They know intuitively that somehow, the Universe—the reality they have come to know and believe in—will provide for them, or bring them to where they can accept even a time of struggle with courage and calm.
And so in many ways, those fleeing a life of familiarity, and what appears to be at least partial security, must likewise now enter the Present Moment in a way they have not experienced it, since childhood.
With only the open road before them, and all questions left unanswered regarding possible loss of home, income, and community, they have no choice but to realize the power and importance of every breath.
To see the invaluable worth of human life, and the balance of Earth’s own elements.

For many, this was an individual soul choice, for the sake of introducing a whole new higher level of growth, inner realization, and a leap of vibrational increase.
For others, it was a group soul choice, and they will ride out this and all subsequent storms or fires—emotional, financial, physical—with an entirely different focus in terms of their life purpose, soul growth, and those vibrations they came here not only to experience but to anchor more fully into Earth life itself.
This is so, even in the midst of what appears to be chaotic, out-of-control disturbances that certain influences on your planet have thrived on and drawn their power from for many centuries.
You are not defined by any apparent disaster or its effects.
You are the calm, the eye of every storm.
You are that centering and anchoring moment of balance, an expression of the vibration emitted by the forms of sacred geometry, and their Light language transmissions.
You are that which draws from even the deepest uncertainty—the panic and worry of irretrievable loss—the sort of courage which realizes that all certainty, all security, all peace of mind and heart, do not need outer demonstrations and structures.
It does not need houses, buildings, everyday schedules, and even whole human cities and cultures in order to be experienced on the deepest level.
For many, these outer structures are in fact the constant diversion and distraction that keep them from experiencing true Peace, true Wisdom—the height of Love in its most powerful expression, and the depth of Love as it is anchored in everyday reality.
This is the never-ending stream that runs through human life not as a certainty of outer experience, but as that which co-Creates a continually higher expression of inner experience, including Ascension in to fifth dimensional life.

That in turn then creates the outer situations that so many have dreamt of, and so few allowed themselves to grasp.
We speak of communities based on trust, kindness, and mutual respect for all.
We speak of energy systems that draw from the natural energy charges the Earth Herself carries, which you call “free energy.”
We speak of higher forms of education, medicine, business, and community growth and expression, influencing even the way buildings are shaped and built.
These are forms that do not exploit the Earth or Her people’s abilities and natural gifts, but which honor them.
You draw from the air at every moment potent particles of that great stream of Light and higher thought—the Source Energy from which all Life flows—and live your lives in the power of that stream of brilliance, without even realizing the depth and power of the Love that you are, and are here to offer one another.
And so as you send Love and the energies of grace, calm, and dissipation, to the storms, forest fires, floods, poverty, and armed conflict that have affected so many countries and communities around the world, know that you are investing in that which these seeming catastrophes are bringing you.

We speak of a rare gift that only the most powerful of co-Creators would come here to experience.
And that is, that in the midst of seeming madness, chaos, and loss, there is that realization that that which you have come here to be and experience can never be taken from you.
It is yours—it is Who and What you are—and we bow to your co-Creative presence now, and your increasing awareness of this.
And to your willingness to focus not on disaster, but upon creating a Renewal of Life on this planet at a level and of a consciousness it has never seen before.
Namaste, Bringers of the Light!
She is your planet now—you have reclaimed Her, and She will not be taken from you ever again.
Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan
Greetings, fellow co-Creators!
We ask in this moment, as you pause from your daily tasks and responsibilities, that you view your life and the Creation into which you were born as an intricate design of perfect balance, perfect energy flow, and perfect systems of renewal.
So that even when your personal challenges and life requirements seem great and heavy, even when your daily Ascension journey, and your practice of sending Divine Love and Light to all who are suffering now—when all of what Earth is experiencing now feels to be chaotic, turbulent, and out of control, you are still allowing yourself moments of pure higher understanding of what is truly happening.
And that understanding is always within you, always informing you that there are no mistakes, that there are no wrong turns.
That there are no accidents or lost moments, in which you cannot connect with your higher self or remember your true inner power, strength, and resilience.

Always—for you, your fellow Light Beings, and your Earth—there is only the clarity of purpose, the beauty of the story that may have dramatic chapters and traumatic-feeling events, but which is never entirely defined by those.
So that when you feel what appears to be the chaos of many thousands driven from their homes by flood, storm, uncontrolled fires, or other disaster, you realize in your high heart that none of this defines how you feel about yourself, nor even defines how those fleeing these events feel about themselves.
You have seen the animals being rescued from fire or rising flood waters, and noted that for the most part, they are not panicking, even if their families are nowhere to be seen at present.
There are several reasons for this.
For one, they correctly sense the Love and concern of those rescuing them, placing them in cages or baskets for safe travel to where they will be fed and kept safe and dry.
For another, animals live entirely in the Present Moment.
So that even if they do not see a family member or familiar caretaker nearby, their calm is based on the heart-based expectation that they will again be in a situation where they are loved and cared for, without being mistreated or abandoned.
They know intuitively that somehow, the Universe—the reality they have come to know and believe in—will provide for them, or bring them to where they can accept even a time of struggle with courage and calm.
And so in many ways, those fleeing a life of familiarity, and what appears to be at least partial security, must likewise now enter the Present Moment in a way they have not experienced it, since childhood.
With only the open road before them, and all questions left unanswered regarding possible loss of home, income, and community, they have no choice but to realize the power and importance of every breath.
To see the invaluable worth of human life, and the balance of Earth’s own elements.

For many, this was an individual soul choice, for the sake of introducing a whole new higher level of growth, inner realization, and a leap of vibrational increase.
For others, it was a group soul choice, and they will ride out this and all subsequent storms or fires—emotional, financial, physical—with an entirely different focus in terms of their life purpose, soul growth, and those vibrations they came here not only to experience but to anchor more fully into Earth life itself.
This is so, even in the midst of what appears to be chaotic, out-of-control disturbances that certain influences on your planet have thrived on and drawn their power from for many centuries.
You are not defined by any apparent disaster or its effects.
You are the calm, the eye of every storm.
You are that centering and anchoring moment of balance, an expression of the vibration emitted by the forms of sacred geometry, and their Light language transmissions.
You are that which draws from even the deepest uncertainty—the panic and worry of irretrievable loss—the sort of courage which realizes that all certainty, all security, all peace of mind and heart, do not need outer demonstrations and structures.
It does not need houses, buildings, everyday schedules, and even whole human cities and cultures in order to be experienced on the deepest level.
For many, these outer structures are in fact the constant diversion and distraction that keep them from experiencing true Peace, true Wisdom—the height of Love in its most powerful expression, and the depth of Love as it is anchored in everyday reality.
This is the never-ending stream that runs through human life not as a certainty of outer experience, but as that which co-Creates a continually higher expression of inner experience, including Ascension in to fifth dimensional life.

That in turn then creates the outer situations that so many have dreamt of, and so few allowed themselves to grasp.
We speak of communities based on trust, kindness, and mutual respect for all.
We speak of energy systems that draw from the natural energy charges the Earth Herself carries, which you call “free energy.”
We speak of higher forms of education, medicine, business, and community growth and expression, influencing even the way buildings are shaped and built.
These are forms that do not exploit the Earth or Her people’s abilities and natural gifts, but which honor them.
You draw from the air at every moment potent particles of that great stream of Light and higher thought—the Source Energy from which all Life flows—and live your lives in the power of that stream of brilliance, without even realizing the depth and power of the Love that you are, and are here to offer one another.
And so as you send Love and the energies of grace, calm, and dissipation, to the storms, forest fires, floods, poverty, and armed conflict that have affected so many countries and communities around the world, know that you are investing in that which these seeming catastrophes are bringing you.

We speak of a rare gift that only the most powerful of co-Creators would come here to experience.
And that is, that in the midst of seeming madness, chaos, and loss, there is that realization that that which you have come here to be and experience can never be taken from you.
It is yours—it is Who and What you are—and we bow to your co-Creative presence now, and your increasing awareness of this.
And to your willingness to focus not on disaster, but upon creating a Renewal of Life on this planet at a level and of a consciousness it has never seen before.
Namaste, Bringers of the Light!
She is your planet now—you have reclaimed Her, and She will not be taken from you ever again.
Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan