18.12.2020 22:00 Patricia Cota-Robles

by Patricia Cota-Robles
December 17, 2020
We have just completed one of the most powerful Eclipse Series we have ever experienced. That is due to the fact that truly life-transforming events have taken place since January 1, 2020 which Birthed this New Decade. Humanity and Mother Earth are now able to safely receive higher frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light from the Celestial alignments occurring throughout the Universe than ever before. This is allowing us to greatly accelerate our Ascension process.
When this New Decade was Birthed in January, we were told by our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven that during the next ten years Humanity will change the course of history for Mother Earth and ALL her Life. They said that during this time Humanity will develop latent abilities through which we will literally TRANSFIGURE our Earthly Bodies and our outer-world Life experiences into the Heart-based patterns of perfection associated with the New Earth.
The Beings of Light said that this seemingly miraculous Transfiguration will be accomplished through a greatly expanded collaboration between the Company of Heaven and an Awakened Humanity. Our Father-Mother God revealed that this degree of collaboration between Heaven and Earth has never before been attempted.
If you have been following the information from the Realms of Illumined Truth that Era of Peace has been sharing this year through our Weekly Vlogs, our monthly Newsletters, and the events from the Planetary Reboot which took place during the 34th Annual World Congress on Illumination, then you are aware of the profound Truth contained within that revelation from our Father-Mother God.
Now, as this unprecedented year comes to a close we have the opportunity to participate in two final Activities of Light that will assist Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her to transcend the painful vestiges of manipulation, oppression and control from the old Earth that are now being dismantled and crumbling away.
The Company of Heaven has affirmed that through the unified efforts of Awakening Humanity and the Divine Intervention we will receive from these Celestial events Mother Earth and ALL her Life will Ascend a quantum leap forward into the NEW patterns of the Heart-based Template for the New Earth.
The final two Activities of Light for 2020 involve the December 21st Solstice and a rare alignment between the Planets Jupiter and Saturn known as the Grand Conjunction. The conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn takes place every 20 years, but this year the closeness of the two Planets and certain other aspects of this conjunction will make it a very rare event.
This particular Grand Conjunction is being heralded as a “once in a lifetime” show in the December sky. With only about one 10th of a degree separating the two Planets they will almost look like a single Planet shining in the sky. This will be the closest Grand Conjunction in nearly 400 years. The last time this occurred was in 1623. Jupiter and Saturn will appear closest together on December 21st which is the Solstice. Many astrologers say that this conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn, the two largest Planets in our Solar System, is the “Star of Bethlehem” seen by the shepherds at the inception of the Piscean Age.
The Grand Conjunction occurs when Jupiter and Saturn align at the same degree of the Zodiac. For the past 200 years this Grand Conjunction has been occurring in Earth Signs. In 2020, during the Solstice on December 21st, Jupiter and Saturn will align in the Air Sign of Aquarius. This alignment will take place at zero degrees of Aquarius which represents infinite potential and limitless possibilities.
The Beings of Light said that the Solstice and the Grand Conjunction taking place at the same time during this life-transforming year of 2020 will create an extraordinary opportunity for Humanity en masse to cocreate a tremendous shift in our collective World view and our individual and collective visions for the New Earth.
The Earth is now in the full embrace of the Age of Aquarius. The Grand Conjunction aligning at zero degrees in the Air Sign of Aquarius is creating the sacred space for the I AM Presence of every Son and Daughter of God evolving on Earth to elevate our Holy Breath. This will allow each of us to receive higher frequencies of Prana and our Life Force with every Breath we take. The Company of Heaven said there are not words to describe how effectively this will empower our efforts as we unify our Hearts and Minds in the process of cocreating the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.
The Seventh Solar Aspect of Deity which is the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection is the predominant Aspect of Deity that will influence the Earth during the 2,000-year Cycle of the Aquarian Age. As the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn takes place during the December 21st Solstice, the I AM Presence of every person will elevate our Holy Breath allowing each of us to receive higher frequencies of Prana and our Life Force.
With higher frequencies of Prana and our Life Force being inhaled and exhaled with every Breath, the Violet Flame will be amplified exponentially through all time frames and dimensions. Every thought, feeling, word, action, memory and belief that yet remains to be Transmuted back into Light will be enveloped in the Violet Flame and Transfigured back into its original perfection. We are being told by the Company of Heaven that this influx of the Violet Flame will clear the path in unfathomable ways for the Birth of 2021.
2020 has been a very challenging year for millions of people in many ways. I know that there are those who cannot wait for this year to be over and they are praying that 2021 will be a much less traumatic year for everyone. Well, because of the incredible Activities of Light that were God Victoriously accomplished in 2020, even in the midst of the pain and suffering people were experiencing, the Company of Heaven has assured us that the Divine Potential for 2021 is very positive. They want us to know, however, that the key to releasing that Divine Potential is up to you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity.
In spite of the challenges, and in many instances because of the challenges in 2020, millions of people were able to raise their heads above the quagmire of surfacing negativity manifesting in the outer world. This allowed them to see the Light and their own Divine Potential in life-transforming ways. They connected with the Divinity of their I AM Presence in ways they had not previously experienced. And at long last, they began remembering that they are Sons and Daughters of God empowered with the gift of free will and the creative faculties of thought and feeling.
This means that through our thoughts, feelings, words and actions we are actually creating the circumstances in our lives. We are not just victims being buffeted about by random events. We have a purpose and a reason for being. We embodied on Earth with a mission and a Divine Destiny to become cocreators of the New Earth with our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth.
Now, as we cross the threshold into 2021 some predominant questions are arising in the hearts and minds of the newly Awakened souls, such as “Do I really have a mission? Can I possibly make a difference? How can my humble efforts create a New Earth?”
The answer to the first question is YES, we all absolutely have a mission. In Richard Bach’s book “Illusions” he has a wonderful test to help us determine whether or not our mission on Earth is complete. The test is…IF YOU ARE ALIVE, IT ISN’T!
So as we Birth the second year of this New Decade, one of the key factors in helping us release the Divine Potential for 2021 is for us to accept and acknowledge that each and every one of us is already what we seek and what we desire to Be from our highest level of consciousness. All we have to do is claim that Truth and then live, move and Breathe out of that knowing.
Our Earthly Bodies are literally multidimensional technology. In the new paradigm we are cocreating, we have the ability to hold space within our bodies for the highest frequencies of vibration. All we have to do is consistently pay attention to who we are Being in every moment through our thoughts, words, actions and feelings. Every single one of us has all of the skill, wisdom, knowledge, strength and courage we need to succeed God Victoriously in our mission. We just need to listen to our Heart and respond according to our intuitive Inner Guidance.
During the December 21st Solstice and the simultaneous Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, every person’s I AM Presence will elevate our Holy Breath to new levels. We will then begin Breathing higher frequencies of Prana and our Life Force with every Breath we take. In the physical world of form our Breath is our connection to Source, our Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, ALL that Is. That is why we take our first Breath at Birth and our last Breath as we leave the physical plane through the process we refer to as Death.
There will be some challenging things happening on the Planet in 2021, but if we stay focused on the Light and understand that these events are necessary in order to clear the way for the New Earth, we will experience being “in the world but not of the world.” This precious Planet is going through an energetic collapse in order to dismantle and clear the toxic patterns and paradigms from the past. These destructive patterns are not coming back and it will be up to you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity to replace them with the Heart-based patterns of the New Earth.
The I AM Presence of every person abiding on Earth and the entire Company of Heaven are standing in readiness, awaiting the opportunity to assist us in this holy endeavor. But remember, not even our I AM Presence or the Company of Heaven can intervene to help us without us asking them to do so. No one is allowed to interfere with our free will.
The Beings of Light have told us there is a Universal Law that decrees, “The call for assistance must come from the Realm where the assistance is needed!” This means quite literally that those of us abiding on Earth must invoke the Light of God and ask for the assistance we desire from our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven in order for these Divine Beings to have permission to intervene in our lives and to respond to our Heart’s Call.
The good news is that we are One with all Life. Consequently, as the Beings of Light have revealed, if those of us abiding in the physical plane affirm our Oneness with the I AM Presence of our Sisters and Brothers abiding on Earth, then we can invoke the Light of God on their behalf. This is easily accomplished by merely affirming before our invocations, “I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth.”
There is a school of thought that believes if we invoke the Light on behalf of another person without them specifically asking for our help we are interfering with the learning experiences they need to go through. Whether that is true or not depends on how our request for assistance is made.
If we invoke our I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of the person involved before we invoke the Light of God on their behalf, that changes everything. When we take this important first step, it gives our I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of the person we want to help permission to receive the Light and to control how the Light is used.
Our I AM Presence works solely toward our highest good and the highest good of all concerned. It knows exactly what our unfolding Divine Plan is and it perpetually strives to help us expedite the fulfillment of that plan. Our I AM Presence knows why we are going through the particular challenge we are experiencing. It knows what we are going to learn by transmuting that experience back into Light and it knows how close we are to completing that process.
Our I AM Presence also knows precisely how to utilize the Light it is receiving for our highest good. That is true whether it is Light that we have invoked for our self or Light that has been invoked by another person on our behalf.
When we begin our Lightwork with the affirmation “I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth”, instantaneously, the I AM Presence of every man, women and child on Earth receives a signal from our I AM Presence and stands in readiness to receive the Light we are invoking on their behalf. Then, every person’s I AM Presence assimilates that Light and uses it in perfect alignment with the person’s Divine Plan and their highest good. This happens no matter who is making the invocation.
This is what the Company of Heaven means when they tell us “You are powerful beyond your knowing.” We literally have the ability to invoke the Light of God through the I AM Presence of every person on Earth simultaneously. Just contemplate what that really means for a moment.
Instead of spending our time and energy invoking the Light just for our self, with the same expenditure of time and energy we can invoke the Light on behalf of the 7,500,000.000 people evolving on this Planet.
So, as we prepare for the Birth of 2021, let’s develop the habit of setting aside some time every day to invoke the Light of God on behalf of our self, our Loved Ones and all Humanity. Together, let’s make the Heart commitment to be instrumental in releasing the Divine Potential for this New Year.
Dear One, this is a powerful and Light-filled time. Stay focused on the Light and BE the Miracle you are capable of Being. Just Breathe and Be here NOW. I wish you a Glorious Solstice, Grand Conjunction, Holiday and New Year. Please KNOW you are not alone and you are Loved more than you can comprehend at this moment.
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace