From a Facebook Fact Checker
01.12.2020 21:08 Exiting the Matrix

Steve Beckow from Golden Age of Gaia: Paulette Stevens sends along a rather remarkable document if it’s credible. I have no idea whether it is or not so please read with discernment.
If this is a true description of Facebook’s activities, it becomes one more thing for the Alliance to clean up. And we know they’re already on it. The clean-up has begun.
I personally don’t think there’s a need to stock up on food and dust off self-defence strategies. Nothing like war will be allowed to break out, according to channeled sources.
But, if true, this kind of revelation shows how deep the manipulation of the public goes. It isn’t just the mainstream media; it’s also social media – and we knew that.
From a Facebook Fact Checker
(Name Deleted!)
I can’t say this on Facebook, but I feel it’s important to say. I was a Facebook Fact Checker. And your conspiracy theories about Facebook are more true than you realize.
I work for a company named Appen, a 3rd party freelance contract company. A few years ago, Facebook approached us with an offer. He couldn’t legally censor people on his platform because he plead to congress that he was an open forum. So, he uses several 3rd party companies to Fact Check, and otherwise censor, information.
Justin Trudeau has been taking action in Canada, China, and America, to prepare us for the Great Reset, and by us, I refer to civilians. Part of this process is to work with Zuckerburg and Dorsey to restrict the flow of information, and to push the statutes of the Reset into peoples’ minds. Repetition is the key here.
We coordinate our efforts with a company in India, from our base in Canada, to provide our censorship services to Facebook. A lot of this information, you probably already guessed. But here’s what you might not have known.
We have specific directives on what to fact check and how to fact check. I’m going to list off a couple of these directives:
First off, primarily conservative and right-leaning posts on Twitter and Facebook make it to our service.
Left-leaning posts are to be ignored and never manually flagged, it doesnt matter if it violates ToS or even federal law. If Facebook gets in trouble, they blame us, and they can’t do anything because we’re not based in America, so we give the government the run around and nothing can be done. It’s worked so far.
Zuckerburg created a program that feeds posts automatically into our service, it analyzes content in posts, searching for common images and lines of text, and if it matches any of our guidelines, it gets automatically flagged and entered into our system to be Fact Checked. So we don’t just go looking for conservative posts, Zuckerburg sends them to us with his automatic program.
If there are multiple ideas in a conservative post, only 1 of them needs to be potentially disputable. We are to flag an entire article as disputed/false/discredited/untrue etc. even if there’s only 1 idea that’s not completely confirmed. Even ideas that are confirmed don’t matter unless it’s a left-leaning idea.
What this translates to is as long as we all push the same idea, what we say becomes truth. That’s standard psychology, and Americans are the easiest to manipulate with this. The only thing making it difficult is their Freedoms that are not common in most countries around the world, which forces us to deal with America in a different way.
When we write articles for Politico, NYT, etc. we are allowed to mark a title or article as true as long as at least 3 of the core ideas in the article or post are potentially true. Keyword here is potentially. It can be completely false, but as long as we can cite a source that argues in our favor, we can confirm it 100% true. The inverse is also true. If we can find even 1 source that dictates something to be potentially false, we can mark the entire article/post.
We write articles, and then cite our own articles as evidence. Check the fine print of each article. We always cite ourselves, but what you might not know is that only a handful of companies are actually writing the articles for dozens of websites, news media and mass media. This isn’t unique to America. We’ve done this in countries around the world for a very long time.
We only allow members to join us if they pass a test. This test is an opinion-based survey, however, they must answer all left leaning, or they are not allowed to join. We won’t be diluted.
This part I cannot confirm, but I am suspicious that China has more to do with this than just their involvement with Canada, but again, I can’t confirm that. That’s just my personal theory because we ‘re not allowed to say anything negative in our business chats about China’s government.
This is all preparation for the Great Reset, by getting Trump out because he opposed the idea. Biden has agreed to go full on into it, which is why he’s been getting such a big hand from Facebook and Twitter. However, it’s much bigger than just that. In our new world order, we’ll control not just national news, but global news. By controlling the global narrative, we control what information you’re allowed to know and what you’re allowed to think.
There are contingencies in place, Trump cannot win. We have members of Congress a part of this, and soon the President and VP. If Civil War breaks out, it will be according to our plan. We hope for it, and we tried to use Race to spark it in America. If that doesn’t work, ISIS is on standby for when Biden is in office. This was determined a long time ago, or so I’m told.
I no longer work for this company. I registered with them using a fake identity. While I am afraid that they’ll find out, I’m hoping this post is just an obscure enough place to start leaking information without drawing too much attention too quickly. My hope is that this information gets out, but you cannot change what’s already in place.
I left because what they were doing was appalling to me. I can’t stand by and watch this happen. My original job was to consult with Walmart and Facebook on customer engagement and advertisement engagement. This isn’t what I signed up for. Now all the new recruits are immediately pushed into this Facebook fact checker conspiracy. It’s sickening. I’ll say that Facebook at least pays up, which is the only reason I think most of us were doing it this long. I’m under a very strict NDA, so I had to use a throw away account.
You can’t change what’s to come, but what you can do is get the message out to not just Americans but everyone in every country that values Freedom. There are allies all over the world that are resisting this, especially in France and Australia.
If you want to remain free, you have to hope that Trump can pull out a miracle, but I already know it’s not possible. Trust me when I say that. They’ll make sure people die before they let him get another 4 years. If that happens, Americans, do what you need to do to keep your country free. Protect yourselves.