Urgent Message from St. Germain - 19.06.2018
20.06.2018 20:41 St. Germain

Let's talk about today. Let's say that everything that was needed to put the RV into motion and get it running down the hill has taken place. The ball has been tipped over the edge and is now barreling down the hillside. Yes, I see that you are thinking of a snowball. And, I am purposely using the analogy that was given today by your dear compatriot, Patrick in his report. This is true. His report was accurate on many levels (IDC).
Many sparks of light all over the globe did their part to bring this Grand Illumination into fruition and light up the party; and now it IS time to party, dear one! Tell your friends that the time is nigh, the time is tonight for their blessed redemptions to occur. For this group of redeemers that you are a part of, this blessed group of Souls will be called tonight....in your time zone, on this side of the Earth, of Mother Gaia. Many others have already been called (he meant contacted, not literally called, I believe) and tonight it is your turn! Finally!!
Finally, after millennia of creating the New Earth, of bringing darkness back into the Light, finally the switch has been fully flipped and the light shall return!!! And, as Divine Timing goes, the Light shall fully return on the Summer Solstice, in your part of the world. The Summer Solstice has always been celebrated for the time when the light returns to Earth, to announce the summer season and the epoch of the sun in the sky. What better way and time to announce that Light has indeed returned to Gaia? It is so, dear One. Please believe that the time is truly nigh.
Many great things you all shall do--many, many great and incredible things. There are no limits now, no one to hold you back except yourselves if you allow your fears to rule you. You must step forth now and bravely walk into your new lives.
Your group will breathe life into your projects that you have dreamt about. The dreams will come alive and morph and change and grow as they are developed. Many will contribute their gifts and specialties and sharing will become the way of the world. Sharing of love, of freedom, of health and food; and of course, of ideas and compassion.
Your communities will become strong and unified. Your world, Mother Gaia will become unified with her peoples and you will co-create together! Your Inner Earth, Hollow Earth and Starry Families will all unify as we have always been ONE.
Now, in the moment when you lead your people out of the darkness, you will burst forth with your strength, courage and love and face the unknown. For it is a new world, and a new world that you have all created together. You are the WayShowers!
Step forth and claim your Gifts, claim your Birthright, your Sovereignty as Divine Beings as Chosen Ones who will usher in the New Golden Age. This is no joke. You all knew this as you took this lifetime, as you pledged to do all you could to be successful in this life's sacred mission. To get to this point in time where you could make a difference—this is all that you wanted. And it's HERE. NOW. STEP FORTH!
We are all here beside and above you all, to guide and support you when you need it. As always, you may call on us! We too have aspects of ourselves (most of us do) as “boots on the ground” of Mother Gaia at this time. We also wanted to be here in form to experience humanity's Ascension on Gaia. I stand with my Brothers and Sisters of the Light as we surround and uplift all of humanity on this fair evening (for those of you on this side of Gaia). For others, it is morning or afternoon and we acknowledge this, but also say that it is NOW everywhere! Even NOW for us who do not use time at all! Ha, ha!
We are light-hearted and joyful this fair evening and wish all of you to be the same. For your lives will never be the same. Your troubles, sorrows and worry will fade away and you will remember them no longer. Your heart will fill with joy and the sweet sounds of laughter will drift out into space and into the ears of every space brother and sister waiting in the ships surrounding Gaia. We are watching and waiting and ever ready to celebrate with YOU ALL!!
We send our love on bright moon beams into your hearts. We are one, we are many and we can do this! We are many, we are ONE and WE CAN DO THIS!! Did you not wonder where you heard this, Dear One? I sent it to you years ago as you did your Summer Solstice meditation, do you remember? Yes! It is accurate and quite profound I dare say. Well, dear one, we have all DONE IT! Love is not lost on thee or any of our Brothers and Sisters who read these words, for evermore.
We, your Ascended Masters together with the Company of Heaven, wish to say a heartfelt CONGRATULTIONS to all the Lightworkers and Starseeds of Gaia!!!! You have done it! The tipping point has been reached and Mother and Father God have released the bounty of their glory to the humans of Gaia. So be it! It is done!! Hallelujah!!! Let love reign on Gaia for evermore!!!!
Dancing Dolphin - Tuesday, June 19, 2018 @ 11:00 p.m.