St. Germain through Dancing Dolphin on Sept 22, 2018 **RV/GCR SitRep**
23.09.2018 18:55 Dancing Dolphin | St. Germain

Prelude: Yes, I am ready. I have prepared another message to the Lightworkers of Earth and I am grateful to you for helping me to share my messages. For they are messages of love and have need to be shared.
Are you ready, dear hearts? Are you ready for your New Earth to be born and realized? You have all worked so hard in creating her with your thought forms and manifesting exactly what you want to see in your New Earth. You have all created this New Earth together and Mother has given her bright blessings on Gaia's new form. You will all indeed be there shortly for things are progressing very nicely.
The countries of Earth are lining up to take their place in line for GESARA and indeed for World Peace, which is part and parcel of GESARA. The domino's are falling into place as you might say. We have planned this for many, many years. We lined things up, implemented our plans and now they are actualized. This is a thrill that I am grateful to experience now. We have indeed ALL worked so hard on this plan to bring the Light back to Gaia and we will ALL celebrate when every single atom of darkness has been expunged from Gaia.
Many events are set to come fast and furious now and don't you dare worry about when or which one will occur first. Just stay in your blessed peace space of Love Work and keep imagining your New Earth and every single detail that you can conjure up for your highest good. Stay in the flow of Mother's Love and know that you all will be protected and are blessed beyond measure.
I wish to add that it is your continued job duty to remain a Pillar of Light for those around you. Some events, such as Disclosure may upset people. Their lives will be disrupted and their eyes opened to things they never dreamt possible. Be the light that you are, shine your lights and send your love blasts worldwide. Remember that you are on Gaia for this purpose.
Everyone has their own choice, their own life path and we must honor that. You can light the way with your love, but you are not responsible for another's actions. Some may choose a different path than yours. You may decide to move into 5D and beyond while others may not wish to awaken and to go back to sleep. That is their choice. They will be taken to another future, another place to live out their days in a 3D world. This will be difficult for some of you to see and understand. Please know that you are doing your best but you may not be able to “save” everyone, possibly even some closest to you. Try to remain neutral if possible. This is the best course of action and will help to maintain your inner peace.
Light prevails, dear hearts! I thank you for your service and I wish you many, many years of bright blessings. You all deserve this experience of victory and the relief and joy on a project well done.
I thank you all for your service. I am your St Germain and wish you a fair and blessed evening. We will meet soon and celebrate together in love.
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Message of Love through Dancing Dolphin