St. Germain through Dancing Dolphin "Lightworkers are making an immense difference!" 10-18-18
19.10.2018 18:58 St. Germain | Dancing Dolphin

I AM St. Germain and I have a message for the Lightworkers of Earth on this day. We have found that those of you who are doing the “Love Work” are making a HUGE difference in your 3D reality at this time. You are sending Love vibrations to the entire planet and to all of those upon her. Thank you!!!!! We wish to encourage you all to keep up this work. Join together in your intentions and you are more powerful than you can imagine.
Things are progressing at a very quick pace and much is happening in your world. Mother God continues to send her massive Tsunami of Love; many hearts are opening up when they receive these love particles from our Mother. When they awaken, they wonder “What is going on to my world?”
Dear hearts, let me tell you that even more things will be bursting forth shortly. Yes, the light continues to shine and it will illuminate the darkest deeds done by the few who were in control on Earth. Many will be shocked when these deeds are revealed. You will be there to comfort them. It is a rude awakening that everyone will have to go through. This is part of the cleansing process, dear hearts. The darkest deeds must be revealed and cleansed so you can burst forth in your New Earth.
I come to speak today to encourage you that YOU are making an immense difference with your Love Work!! PLEASE CONTINUE TO SEND LOVE VIBRATIONS TO EVERYONE!!!
I AM your St. Germain and I wish you all a beauty-filled day. We will meet shortly and celebrate your New Earth. Namaste.
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Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin