The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland, March 11, 2019
15.03.2019 19:13 James Gilliland

from ~ ECETI ~ James Gilliland ~ The Galactic Federation Ship is here!
Earlier February 26th we said a very large Galactic Federation ship with 49 smaller ships 250 feet wide carried inside was coming on 7th. They’re here. Remote viewing with John Vivanco confirmed there is an elite force, galactic police on these ships to enforce Universal Law. They wear dark purple uniforms with a belt across the chest. In a past life I was one of these warriors and know who they are and their training. Their technologies are unsurpassed and their training is liken to Ninja or Jedi. There were humanoid felines as well that can move so fast your eye can barely follow. Neither John or I were able to know their mission, yet it seems to be obvious. I was told everything is in place, the end of tyranny is near.
March will be known as the month of enforcement. Not just on Earth but in the other dimensions surrounding Earth. The Schuman Resonance has been off the scale, the electromagnetic light spectrum has increased exponentially, and the Central Sun connected to all the other Suns has pulsed it’s message. It is time to release the past and evolve beyond the lower frequencies. Fear, guilt, unworthiness, greed, jealousy, wounds and traumas from past experiences need to be released and healed. Self-service at the expense of Humanity and the Earth is no longer acceptable. Nor is the unconscious gross uneven dispersal of wealth and the system that supports and perpetuates it. The last of the negative ETs, Reptillians, Greys etc are being removed. Those that practice Satan worship, black magic, child sacrifice and pedophilia will find their puppet masters gone and suffer the reaction. The multidimensional hammer is coming down. There is nowhere to hide. What the light workers and white hats have been waiting for, long overdue in most opinions has finally arrived.

Know there is enough resources for everyone to live a loving, joyous, healthy and prosperous life. Yes everyone. Replicators, med beds, free energy, anti/counter gravity, fast and efficient building methods are real. Those suppressing these technologies and those who have created the manufactured lack will be removed. If you can imagine it, if you can find yourself worthy of it, if you can demand it, and if you are willing to work for it, it is yours. Live the dream by stepping out of the nightmare.
Be well,
James Gilliland