Grand Event Timelines And Possible Planetary Evacuation

This is a very important message- so if you feel guided ‘ please share ‘ the message đđŊ All is love â¤ī¸
Here is a dictation on the probable
Grand Event : Timelines:
And Possible Planetary Evacuation:
With the words of Lord Ashtar:
& Lord Regent Sathya Sai Baba đđŊ
“ Me ‘ Ria Aurora Athena Ash ‘
For many days now I have been pondering and battling with an old timeline probability, that has seemed to present itself into this current collective timeline, although it was an older timeline scenario or probability that could come into fruition, many souls have been talking about this timeline ...“ actually becoming more real.......
As we move along this Ascension journey nearing ‘ The Event ..... âī¸
“What is this timeline I am referring to “ well “ I’ll explain..
Back in the 1980s our beloved sister Tuella (Thelma Terrell) ... Channelled In our Beloved Lord Ashtar & The Confederation ...
“ And I must say here ... As I stand In m truth...Our late beloved Sister Tuella and My beloved Savini Lady Commander Athena have always been the most authentic transparent and trustworthy messages ‘ you’ll ever receive ‘ Coming from our Command through Eartharin Avatars .
Now ‘ This is not judgement onto another channel ...
“on the contrary” ,
it’ is just what I ‘ , personally align with and atune my inner antenna too...
Myself... Being part of The Athena Encodments... That is đ
As Savini Commander Lady Athena / Rita Pallas Athena & Myself Ria Aurora Athena .....
along with Many ‘ Many ‘ of you wonderful souls & Warriors Of light Reading these words are indeed the emissarys & ambassadors, and ....
( Intergalactic Legion of Special Volunteers.') ....,
Hear on planetary mission Gaia đ
many of you precious souls are part of the Super Intergalactic Confederation .
“ And Although these Messages of the coming Earth Changes and The Ascension of Planet Earth given by our beloved
Ashtar Command / Jupiter Command back in the 1980's through Tuella (Thelma Terrell) ......
“ unfortunately the latter ‘
Has since been long delayed in its outcome, this is mainly through the strong contentious efforts of the Forces of Darkness & the political Complicit mainstream media âšī¸.... programming and manipulating the minds of many....
As they attempt to eliminate or postpone the event, nevertheless the instruction and program contained therein of the messages from our Tuella‘ remains largely unchanged .... and if applicable ‘ I might add here ... ...
Is now fast approaching times of final planetary cleansing.)
So ‘ In our current Now ....
What will The Event ....
The Crescendo ...
The Finale Event .... entail.....
For example:
What is the current trajectory the collective hive mind is moving onto.....
As all timelines fluctuate in zero point ... And all Nows are One Now ....As Time is a human construct....
So going back to ‘ our beloved sister Tuella :
In The Book ( project world evacuation)
Our beloved Lord Ashtar Speaks about a Probable ( planetary evacuation )
“Quote “
Lord Ashtar Speaks : One Of The most powerful ever speeches....
Lord Ashtar:
“ Mankind might consider and understand the details of those things that could come to pass,
There is a method and great organization in a detailed plan already nearing completion
( A Prophecy of old) for the purpose of removing souls from this planet, in the event of catastrophic events making a rescue mission “necessary”.
We watch diligently, the threat of a polar shift / planetary reversal for the planet in your generation.
Such a development would create a planetary situation through which none could survive.
This would necessitate an evacuation such as I have referred to. . As the dangers to the planet are very real.
Thus the resulting tragedy to Humanity would be unavoidable.
However, our presence surrounding you of the total thirty-five million members of the Intergalactic Super Confederation will assist you, lift you up and rescue you, and hold you in our ships safety( At the moment of solar flash )
As the magnetized solar flares coming in from Creative source now present in and around the Your Sun And around SOLARIS KUMARA – member of The Higher Leadership (Council) of Cosmic Spiritual Sun.
Who represents Sun (at the level of Spirit). ... Are increasing -
As Your Sun in its present position, in conjunction with the planetary alignment that is presently coming into its final position, combines to create a strong tendency to pull the Earth into untoward motion.
The possible polar shift polarity reversal has been greatly lessened and gentled by the action of our scientific volunteers from many worlds.
However Inner disturbances taking place within the planet itself are direct reflections of the aspirations and the attitudes and vibrations of those who dwell upon it.
And We have repeatedly attempted to turn the thoughts of Humanity toward the reality of Divine Truth and Principles Of brotherly love relief and truth.
We have dared to lower our craft into your frequencies in a visible way.... to express ourselves to you....
We have dared to expose ourselves in vulnerable situations in order to convince souls of Earth of our presence.
“Now we take further steps, because of the shortness of time and the dangers that beset you and the pressure of coming Solar events.
We come to you once again with our call and our warning, “ but this time ‘ WE DARE to expose our most secret strategy to sound the alarm that this will soon indeed be the midnight hour of
The Event coming to a climax.
Now is the time to inventory the inner values.
Therefore, we dare to expose our plans ‘ and to come out into the open The Galactic Super Confederation -
Ashtar Command /Jupiter Command- & Airborne divisions -
Initiate the program of ‘First Contact Primary interference‘]
And We send proof of our presence and existence back to the Earth to silence forever arguments and denials of our overshadowing protection.
This is the new strategy unveiled to you at this time in exposing our proposed gatherings of those who have come to walk among you as our representatives.
They work in service to you, and we dare to reveal them and their identities, for no harm can come to them.
If so ‘ We would simply remove them from your midst if you were to attempt to harm them in any way ... For Our representatives are exposing the eternal truth of the Prime directive.... “ End quote “
So ...
I Ria Aurora Athena Ash ‘ will add here to the Dark forces :
That We Of The
( Intergalactic Legion of Special Volunteers.') here on mission are very protected ... By the Command ....
“ And ‘ an attempt” -
To Quell the momentum -
And try to silence our “truth .... is quintessentially...,, “futile” .....on your part !
‘ So going back to the current events , recently I came across the latest video from our dear brother
David Wilcox ..... Expressing that ‘ we must get food supplies stock up on water as the possible scenario at the time of (the event) could be catastrophic and that there will be a form of a
( Noah’s Ark ) rescue mission to take place , where our Motherships will come and rescue the souls of the planet đ ( Just as ( Tuella) says ....
until ‘ the planet has sustained itself in the higher residence , then we higher interdimensional souls now fully conscious beings , return back to the planet..... to live in utopian
5th Dimensional golden age.... on Nova Gaia ....
And David Wilcox is not the only one saying this ( Noahs Ark rescue mission ) could davids credible information comes from alliance white-hat insiders.....
Also there is our brother Cobra portal 2012 and many other Lightworkers expressing this possible outcome ...
Along with many’ top official alliance members who have
(Top cosmic clearance) ,
Are also passing this classified information to certain reliable sources in the know ......
For those who have the eyes ... see...and those who have the ears ..... hear ....
So ‘ last Night in my meditation đ§âī¸
I was pondering on this whole timeline that Tuella spoke about back in the 80s , and now many people in high places are talking about this Timeline really coming into fruition.....what with the current events taking place.
I wanted to get this straight ,
as I don’t operate in fear or fear mongering scenarios ‘
however I do operate in spiritual science “fact” ....
And what resonates within my core innate being “My HighHeartâŖī¸ .
And what Tuellla said all those years ago resonates with my core.
So I took a bath and Grounded into the heartbeat mother Gaia with the warm waters of the bath .... And sat in my Secret I am presence ..... and connected with pure spirit and the Emanation the Lifestream I belong too....
And ‘ A Familia strong energetic presence’ presented itself to me and straightaway’ Telepathically...
I knew who it was ...
It was :
( Sathya Sai Baba ).... Lord & Regent to this planetary sector.... Came through to give me a message.....
So ‘ Sathya Sai Baba speaks :
Svaagat hai privy đđŊ
My beloved child Aurora Athena ...
I present my energy in this form for you to know me ‘ as I once was, in my human avatar ‘ you see me as I once was ‘
an expression of self ....
So My child I present myself in this knowing to you now ...
As I have been Watching over your mission diligently in your perceive linear expression for some time now.... As My Energy is part of an extension of Higherself Modality your Emanation is part of ....
We know of what your monkey mind is manifesting...
The expression ....
and the outcome of what you speak of.... ( planetary evacuation )
What we will say to this’ and to all that will read these words is ....
“We will not give either distinction ‘ ..
to the latter ....
As the outcome of your collective Timelines and collective convergence...Fluctuates in Zero point we cannot say ....
As you are the masters of your own destiny...
What ‘ we will say.... is this you beloved ‘ and to All who read this words .....
It is this simple....
(At the Time Of The Grand Event ) as you have all come to call it :
You “ as a soul ‘ as Atmic Self .. will be ‘
“Exactly where you are meant to be...
“Exactly at the right perceived time in your linear construct expression ....
“Subject to your Atman/Soul contract ...
You will experience the event ,
Within your individual reality that you create ‘ as a creator being..... depending on your level of awareness....
“ It is that Simple ...
Your car ‘ your human vehicle ... is being directed necessary as your soul contract Unravels it’s-self ....
to its rightful destination ....
Dear one .... Just be ..... in the knowing. ... that before you incarnated into this Earthly vessel ... you as a consciousness self ‘ already choose your path ....
you already choose your outcome .....
your fate ....
your timeline ......
As a soul to experience this matter what the probable collective Timelines Express itself to be...
Just be ...... in the knowing of the truth......
Just be in the Now ...
And trust in ‘ this ‘ ....
that your Higherself your Emanation is guiding you to whatever fate it will be....,
Trust Thy Self ......
All is individual choice ...
So Beloved â¤ī¸đđŊđ
I send you All my love ‘ my beloved child
( I am always with you ( Sathya Sai Baba ) đđŊ
“ So Going back to what David Wilcox and our beloved ( Tuella) and so many others are saying ‘ regrading what could happen at the time of the event Grand solar flash,
As Sai Baba says ...
what matters is , whatever the outcome .... , you will know and be placed exactly where you’re meant to be , to experience this wonderful Event at the level of consciousness awareness that you are at ‘ at that time of perception .....
( Of ‘ whether you’re taking up onto the motherships .... or not ) ,... or whatever you’re perceived reality will take you to ..... it will just be ....
So don’t fret over it ‘ don’t get caught up in it , drop the fear around it .... and just be.....
know that you are guided to be exactly where you’re meant to be at the right time as divine soul that you are , to experience this divine event...: By Your Higherself And your spiritual Guides & Team .
So ‘ whatever the timeline outcome
Is ...., Whether catastrophic or not .... đđŊđ It matters not ‘
as you as a soul ‘ Already decided your outcome ....
So I tell myself.... If it is meant to be and I am meant to be rescued onto our motherships at the time of the event if anything catastrophic happens ‘ If That Timeline comes into fruition..... then thats down to my soul contract ..... đđŊ
As I be been told ‘ we are getting sooooo close now to The Grand Event manifesting The totality of itself .....As multiple lightning changes are coming into fruition ....
we are being prepared for primary interference’ first contact..... with our Galactic Brothers & Sisters â¤ī¸
And I know in my heart đ
that all is love and I know everything is what I chose to experience in this matrix hologram.....As a Soul âī¸
So ‘ Just rest ‘ dear ones .... in the inner knowing of self love , and divine guidance Grace and Oneness , And the Reassurance of this divine Resurrection That you are embarking on .... as a beautiful Soul đâ¤ī¸đđŊđ
As the storm around us is raging as the times are changing as the great awakening is upon us..... stay steadfast ‘stay vigilant ‘stay in your high heart ‘ and stand in your sovereignty.... with neutrality and non-judgement as your core values.... In brotherly and sisterly relief and truth.....
Namaste đđŊ
All my love and peace to all my brothers & Sisters here on Gaia
I love you all ‘ with all my heart â¤ī¸
Written by - Ria Aurora Athena Ash’â¤ī¸đđ
Ambassador of The Jupiter Command & Ashtar Command
Super Confederation Of Light .