A Message to Lightworkers – August 3, 2018
08.08.2018 19:25 Caroline Oceana Ryan
The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again.
We are aware that these are taxing times, in which you are feeling the intensity of old emotion—past experiences that have brought realizations, beliefs, and paths of learning that have been painfully steep and difficult.
At times these paths have been so demanding—beyond what you believed you were able to process or integrate at the time—that your mind or body rejected the experience, seeking to step out of the moment and to retreat into the purely etheric, or into nothingness.
We understand your hesitancy to relive these painful and often numbing moments of Earth life. Those of us who have experienced Earth lives know them well, and are aware of their intensity.

Photo by Lynne Newman
Yet no one Ascends from the third dimension without facing that darkness, that shadow that seems to follow one from one Earth life to another, dogging efforts and intentions, and dimming even the most joyful of beliefs, thoughts, and emotions.
Yet in part, you came here to live in the shadows.
“And why on Earth would I want to experience in-depth pain and trauma, as well as my own shadow aspect—the thoughts and feelings I would prefer to admit to no one, including myself—when I could have incarnated into some life where the Light would never leave me?” you may wonder.
“At least in that environment, I could have spread my Love and higher Light in ways that would have helped other people, and Earth’s overall vibration!”
And we would say, it is understandable that you would feel this way. It is a logical notion, but not entirely relevant.
For if you had not experienced the darkness firsthand, you would not be present in it, and being present in it is a crucial part of your Earth mission—not only your own Ascension path, but your greater soul mission, in which you contribute to Earth’s and humankind’s evolvement.
You needed to know the depths of what the shadow world was on the Earth, so that you could anchor Light in it, in ways not have been possible for those of us who live above and beyond it vibrationally.
Yes, we see the shadow realm, and we face it often.
Yet we do not engage in it with the immediacy and physicality that all of you engage in it.
Were we to do so—not sporadically, but on a daily basis—we would be violating the free will agreement with which we must respect human life and all Earth life.

Photo by Lynne Newman
And so we stand back to a degree, active to the extent that you call us forth to actively engage energetically through you and through Earth’s vibration, without violating your right to live out your Earth time free of unasked for interference.
There is no one to do the work you do, in fact, but you yourselves.
This is the miracle of Earth life, and yes, the conundrum of it.
For all of you are made of such empowering and beautiful Light that you cannot for the life of you imagine why people enact upon one another the words and behaviors of cruelty, rage, or even some days, simple impatience and lack of compassion.
None of that makes sense to you who come from higher vibrational civilizations and realms.
Not on the level of one-to-one conversation, let alone whole armies and nations facing one another with terrible forms of destruction.
And yet—here you are, singing out your one beautiful tone every moment of your lives, as you do in the higher realms whenever you wish to create, to lift to a higher vibration, to renew and reinvent.
And if you do not yet hear that beautiful note—if your inner ear has not yet found a way to cut through that fog of density you volunteered to come into, answering Earth’s call for relief—we assure you, it is there nonetheless.
It is there, and it is breaking through thousands of years of violence, chaos, disruption, and the madness Earth has been known for throughout this Universe.
With your Love of humanity, your Love of Life itself, and your desire to grow in ways otherwise unavailable to you, you have come forth at this crucial time to say, “I Am here, and I Am Love itself, as are all of you, and I will not abandon you, dear ones, even when you abandon yourselves.”
There is the miracle—the mother’s Love, the Light in the middle of the cold and empty night, the voice calling your name to bring you back to the safe shore you have sought your entire life.
It comes from your own soul, and from the voices of the billions of Angelic Beings now surrounding your Earth, calling Her up into an existence She could never have created all on Her own.
And does She thank you, and bow (in her Soul form) to your beauty, your bravery, your brilliance?
Of course! As do all of us, who are in awe of your mastery, and your unending compassion for a place you need never have troubled yourself with.

Photo by Georgia Hoke Short
And so, though the days are hard at some moments, we ask that you treat yourself with the kindness you would reserve for the most vulnerable child or animal who has been entrusted to your care.
All your tired and transforming, transcending Self is asking from you is the same Love and patience you have begged Earth life to take on since you were born.
And yes, you are able, dear ones, to give yourselves that.
Whether through more rest, more quiet time, more pure water to drink, more inspiring music or time spent in meditation, or with supportive fellow Light Warriors—you will find that which will sustain you, even now.
And so we bow to you, in these days coming up to the stargate that is the 8-08 Lion’s Gate, and we bid you to step through, to view your next energetic form, for it is full of the kind of Light that human beings once only dreamt of.
Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always.
Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan
Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again.
We are aware that these are taxing times, in which you are feeling the intensity of old emotion—past experiences that have brought realizations, beliefs, and paths of learning that have been painfully steep and difficult.
At times these paths have been so demanding—beyond what you believed you were able to process or integrate at the time—that your mind or body rejected the experience, seeking to step out of the moment and to retreat into the purely etheric, or into nothingness.
We understand your hesitancy to relive these painful and often numbing moments of Earth life. Those of us who have experienced Earth lives know them well, and are aware of their intensity.

Photo by Lynne Newman
Yet no one Ascends from the third dimension without facing that darkness, that shadow that seems to follow one from one Earth life to another, dogging efforts and intentions, and dimming even the most joyful of beliefs, thoughts, and emotions.
Yet in part, you came here to live in the shadows.
“And why on Earth would I want to experience in-depth pain and trauma, as well as my own shadow aspect—the thoughts and feelings I would prefer to admit to no one, including myself—when I could have incarnated into some life where the Light would never leave me?” you may wonder.
“At least in that environment, I could have spread my Love and higher Light in ways that would have helped other people, and Earth’s overall vibration!”
And we would say, it is understandable that you would feel this way. It is a logical notion, but not entirely relevant.
For if you had not experienced the darkness firsthand, you would not be present in it, and being present in it is a crucial part of your Earth mission—not only your own Ascension path, but your greater soul mission, in which you contribute to Earth’s and humankind’s evolvement.
You needed to know the depths of what the shadow world was on the Earth, so that you could anchor Light in it, in ways not have been possible for those of us who live above and beyond it vibrationally.
Yes, we see the shadow realm, and we face it often.
Yet we do not engage in it with the immediacy and physicality that all of you engage in it.
Were we to do so—not sporadically, but on a daily basis—we would be violating the free will agreement with which we must respect human life and all Earth life.

Photo by Lynne Newman
And so we stand back to a degree, active to the extent that you call us forth to actively engage energetically through you and through Earth’s vibration, without violating your right to live out your Earth time free of unasked for interference.
There is no one to do the work you do, in fact, but you yourselves.
This is the miracle of Earth life, and yes, the conundrum of it.
For all of you are made of such empowering and beautiful Light that you cannot for the life of you imagine why people enact upon one another the words and behaviors of cruelty, rage, or even some days, simple impatience and lack of compassion.
None of that makes sense to you who come from higher vibrational civilizations and realms.
Not on the level of one-to-one conversation, let alone whole armies and nations facing one another with terrible forms of destruction.
And yet—here you are, singing out your one beautiful tone every moment of your lives, as you do in the higher realms whenever you wish to create, to lift to a higher vibration, to renew and reinvent.
And if you do not yet hear that beautiful note—if your inner ear has not yet found a way to cut through that fog of density you volunteered to come into, answering Earth’s call for relief—we assure you, it is there nonetheless.
It is there, and it is breaking through thousands of years of violence, chaos, disruption, and the madness Earth has been known for throughout this Universe.
With your Love of humanity, your Love of Life itself, and your desire to grow in ways otherwise unavailable to you, you have come forth at this crucial time to say, “I Am here, and I Am Love itself, as are all of you, and I will not abandon you, dear ones, even when you abandon yourselves.”
There is the miracle—the mother’s Love, the Light in the middle of the cold and empty night, the voice calling your name to bring you back to the safe shore you have sought your entire life.
It comes from your own soul, and from the voices of the billions of Angelic Beings now surrounding your Earth, calling Her up into an existence She could never have created all on Her own.
And does She thank you, and bow (in her Soul form) to your beauty, your bravery, your brilliance?
Of course! As do all of us, who are in awe of your mastery, and your unending compassion for a place you need never have troubled yourself with.

Photo by Georgia Hoke Short
And so, though the days are hard at some moments, we ask that you treat yourself with the kindness you would reserve for the most vulnerable child or animal who has been entrusted to your care.
All your tired and transforming, transcending Self is asking from you is the same Love and patience you have begged Earth life to take on since you were born.
And yes, you are able, dear ones, to give yourselves that.
Whether through more rest, more quiet time, more pure water to drink, more inspiring music or time spent in meditation, or with supportive fellow Light Warriors—you will find that which will sustain you, even now.
And so we bow to you, in these days coming up to the stargate that is the 8-08 Lion’s Gate, and we bid you to step through, to view your next energetic form, for it is full of the kind of Light that human beings once only dreamt of.
Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always.
Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan