“Moonvaders” Whats on the dark side of the moon?
24.08.2018 21:22 Hidden Truth | Extraterrestrial Races

This channeling is a bit different than the ones I most regularly share but I found it fascinating and felt compelled to share it with all of you none the less. Let me preface this channeling by explaining how the conversation came about. My husband and I were on our way home and we both were admiring the very large full “super moon” in the sky. As we gazed up at the giant moon in the sky my husband asked, “I wonder if there are any civilizations on the moon” As always the Angels chimed in and began to share with us some very interesting details about those who we now refer to as “Moonvaders”. Here is what the Angels shared with us:
“Why yes, there are most certainly beings who inhabit your moon and they are what we would translate to be “Moonvaders” in your language. They are not what you would consider to be native inhabitants of the moon but rather they have come from other civilizations to form the current civilization known as “Moonvaders”. Because of the vast temperature swings that are germaine to the surface of the moon, most inhabitants remain within the moon, approximately 50 miles below the surface.
There are many different species that are apart of the “Moonvader” civilization. You could use the analogy of “Earthlings” which simply means that you are of a physical origin of Earth. Some of these races or species are humanoid and look relatively close to what you would consider to be human. While others would appear vastly different to you and do not share a humanoid makeup.
Your Moon is kept within Earth’s orbit magnetically which does not allow for you to ever see the “dark side of the moon”. You can only see the front facing or “bright” side of the moon. This “fixed” orbit allows for a balanced terrain to be kept deep below the surface. The temperature is held at a constant 87 degrees F. which seems a bit hot but the inhabitants are well adjusted and live within a tropical terrain. The heat acts much like a terrarium that allows for an even distribution of the fresh water. There is never any water added or removed from the fresh water reserves that are located approximately 50 feet below the surface.
Though there are some structures on the surface of the moon, they are not visible from Earth. In order to see the other side you would need to orbit the moon from space. This would allow you to see some of these structures though it doesn’t look like the structures on your planet. As we said, most of the inhabitants remain within the moon as life upon the surface is nearly non-existent due to the lack of atmosphere, water and constant sunlight. There is however, a large body of fresh water within the moon that sustains the inhabitants that dwell within. There are also large openings that are light receptacles that magnify the sunlight and allow for a large amount of natural light to penetrate deep within the moon.
There are observatories, which are located on the surface of the moon that can view many different civilizations, including Earth. There are landing bases which allow for other space ships to land and transport passengers to other planets. The civilization is relatively vast and holds a wide variety of species deep within its caverns. The moon tends to be a transitory location for most travelers and many civilizations use the Earth’s moon as a place to rest. Though there are still some who choose to stay, these are who we have referred to as the “Moonvaders”
The moon is just yet another stellar body whose inhabitants call home. As you are learning, the cosmos which you live within is far more diverse than you once realized. We hope that you have found this message to be informative and enjoyable.”
In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides
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