A Message to Lightworkers – February 19, 2019
20.02.2019 18:40 Caroline Oceana Ryan
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, friends! We are happy to have this moment to speak with you today.
And we see that many are full of concern now—concern over extreme cold weather in many parts of the world, which is connected to concerns about global warming and the effects of that, including colder winters in some places.
We see concern for political issues and situations, for economic ones, for the health and well-being of many millions, including refugees and others seeking political asylum.
And we understand all of this, as it is natural to look around and see others or one’s self in a rough situation, and wonder if things will always be this way.
Or to feel that, per the influences of the old regime, the Earth is headed in a downward spiral rather than an upward one.
And we would simply remind you that this bizarre, yet quietly magical time, is why you came.
It was your vision to be here at this time, to do the work you and millions of other Light Beings intentionally created, to assist and support the tremendous shift now occurring on the Earth.
You required of those who so powerfully support you—your soul family, your Spirit team of Angelic guardians, guides, and higher self, your twin flame, and those Light Beings on a similar soul mission—that you receive the inspiration and ongoing support needed to lift the Earth and Her beings out of the old frequency and into a new, far higher vibration.
This is a vibration—a reality, as you call it—centered on Divine Love and Service to Others.

And in that new form of Earth life, the old “Service to Self” model of living would not so much be cracked down the middle as denied the energetic belief systems required to hold it in place.
The only way to sustain any form of living—any outer or inner reality—is to feed it belief, expectation, and emotional thought—energy, in other words.
And the energy with which you now conduct your lives is increasingly becoming so powerfully Service to Others oriented, that the old system is having an increasingly hard time existing.
Though it does still influence human life, it is not so that it is still controlling human life.
Be assured that even on days when you cannot see this, others do!
Your Galactic family members, living in ships and space stations all around Earth, see it and rejoice in this new and unprecedented turn in the road.
Your animals, plants, trees, mountains, hills, water, and air see and feel it—all natural forms of Earth life, including the rock and mineral kingdoms, and those beings living within Earth—see and feel this shift.
Those of a naturally higher vibration are thrilled to witness it, raising themselves to new levels of positive feeling and experience.
This makes it easier for animals, for example, to relate to human beings with more obvious forms of Love, trust, and belief in human life. Quite a positive leap forward!
And so, we would ask that you not despair at the developments you hear on the news or see on social media, unless you will allow yourself the opportunity to note that all movement on the Earth is now forward movement.

That you are not sliding backwards, but stepping powerfully ahead—some of you are dancing, we are happy to see!
And that beautiful progression will not be put off or hidden, and its powerful effects will not be lost.
So many are quietly aware of this now.
This is why you will see this gentleman, now in his 90s, who was once a US president, outdoors in work gear, helping to build houses for people who do not have one—because he is constructing, with his energy and presence, homes for the New Earth.
This is why you see young women all over the Earth gathering to proclaim their sovereignty—their right to full education and health care, and to work, to travel, to live without fear of assault or insult—as the Divine Feminine once more takes root upon the Earth.
And this is why you see an entire movement of young people, barely 18 or not yet that age, demanding the right to attend school and experience all of life with safety.
The assertion by the old power structure that things have not changed, except that their supremacy is being challenged, would be humorous, were its effects not so drastic at times.
And yet we see all of you building a form of Earth life that does not include their presumptions and elitist forms of rule, and the old fear-based systems.
We see only your proclamation of your own beauty, your own power, your own magical co-Creational abilities.
And so we ask that you not be fooled by appearances, as the old adage goes.

We ask that you open to the Spirit of what is occurring on the Earth now, and not only to the representations that are deliberately set before you.
And that you maintain your vision, in the midst of it all, proclaiming your right not only to freedom but to Joy itself.
And noting, in the midst of the greyest, most difficult day, “I AM Love! I AM Joy! I AM Divinity in human form! For this I came.”
And so you have!
You have come for this, and will ever be those beautiful Light Beings we blessed before your incarnation onto the Earth, knowing you would achieve your dreams and visions, in perfect time and way.
And so you are.
Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always.
Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan
Greetings, friends! We are happy to have this moment to speak with you today.
And we see that many are full of concern now—concern over extreme cold weather in many parts of the world, which is connected to concerns about global warming and the effects of that, including colder winters in some places.
We see concern for political issues and situations, for economic ones, for the health and well-being of many millions, including refugees and others seeking political asylum.
And we understand all of this, as it is natural to look around and see others or one’s self in a rough situation, and wonder if things will always be this way.
Or to feel that, per the influences of the old regime, the Earth is headed in a downward spiral rather than an upward one.
And we would simply remind you that this bizarre, yet quietly magical time, is why you came.
It was your vision to be here at this time, to do the work you and millions of other Light Beings intentionally created, to assist and support the tremendous shift now occurring on the Earth.
You required of those who so powerfully support you—your soul family, your Spirit team of Angelic guardians, guides, and higher self, your twin flame, and those Light Beings on a similar soul mission—that you receive the inspiration and ongoing support needed to lift the Earth and Her beings out of the old frequency and into a new, far higher vibration.
This is a vibration—a reality, as you call it—centered on Divine Love and Service to Others.

And in that new form of Earth life, the old “Service to Self” model of living would not so much be cracked down the middle as denied the energetic belief systems required to hold it in place.
The only way to sustain any form of living—any outer or inner reality—is to feed it belief, expectation, and emotional thought—energy, in other words.
And the energy with which you now conduct your lives is increasingly becoming so powerfully Service to Others oriented, that the old system is having an increasingly hard time existing.
Though it does still influence human life, it is not so that it is still controlling human life.
Be assured that even on days when you cannot see this, others do!
Your Galactic family members, living in ships and space stations all around Earth, see it and rejoice in this new and unprecedented turn in the road.
Your animals, plants, trees, mountains, hills, water, and air see and feel it—all natural forms of Earth life, including the rock and mineral kingdoms, and those beings living within Earth—see and feel this shift.
Those of a naturally higher vibration are thrilled to witness it, raising themselves to new levels of positive feeling and experience.
This makes it easier for animals, for example, to relate to human beings with more obvious forms of Love, trust, and belief in human life. Quite a positive leap forward!
And so, we would ask that you not despair at the developments you hear on the news or see on social media, unless you will allow yourself the opportunity to note that all movement on the Earth is now forward movement.

That you are not sliding backwards, but stepping powerfully ahead—some of you are dancing, we are happy to see!
And that beautiful progression will not be put off or hidden, and its powerful effects will not be lost.
So many are quietly aware of this now.
This is why you will see this gentleman, now in his 90s, who was once a US president, outdoors in work gear, helping to build houses for people who do not have one—because he is constructing, with his energy and presence, homes for the New Earth.
This is why you see young women all over the Earth gathering to proclaim their sovereignty—their right to full education and health care, and to work, to travel, to live without fear of assault or insult—as the Divine Feminine once more takes root upon the Earth.
And this is why you see an entire movement of young people, barely 18 or not yet that age, demanding the right to attend school and experience all of life with safety.
The assertion by the old power structure that things have not changed, except that their supremacy is being challenged, would be humorous, were its effects not so drastic at times.
And yet we see all of you building a form of Earth life that does not include their presumptions and elitist forms of rule, and the old fear-based systems.
We see only your proclamation of your own beauty, your own power, your own magical co-Creational abilities.
And so we ask that you not be fooled by appearances, as the old adage goes.

We ask that you open to the Spirit of what is occurring on the Earth now, and not only to the representations that are deliberately set before you.
And that you maintain your vision, in the midst of it all, proclaiming your right not only to freedom but to Joy itself.
And noting, in the midst of the greyest, most difficult day, “I AM Love! I AM Joy! I AM Divinity in human form! For this I came.”
And so you have!
You have come for this, and will ever be those beautiful Light Beings we blessed before your incarnation onto the Earth, knowing you would achieve your dreams and visions, in perfect time and way.
And so you are.
Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always.
Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan