New Message from Matthew - July 18, 2019
24.07.2019 18:07 Matthew

This began about 80 years ago, when highly advanced civilizations beamed massive amounts of light to save the life of Gaia’s planetary body. More light was provided by the many thousands of evolved souls who left their homelands to incarnate on Earth and help her peoples respond positively to light’s high vibrations.
All individuals who did so were healed of wounds caused by harsh experiences chosen in soul contracts to complete third density lifetimes or difficult non-chosen experiencing. By radiating the light they had absorbed, these persons uplifted others, who also responded positively and started radiating light; and, as this critical light-healing process kept expanding, Earth gained more strength and the healing of her deep wounds progressed.
Light has been provided by other sources, too. The animal and plant kingdoms, Nature people, the elementals and minerals are contributors to the health and wholeness of your world. As a civilization’s consciousness grows, the consciousness of all other life forms and forces in that world grows commensurately, but on Earth that has differed in this way: The cetaceans, trees, advanced souls that chose to experience a lifetime as an animal, and the multitude of Nature people have long had universal knowledge that only now is unfolding within most of the human population.
Yet, never has it been a question of, “Can Earth’s peoples manifest a peaceful world where all share in its abundance and live in harmony with Nature?” Always it has been “How quickly can they manifest….?” When the ten-year delay in the society’s advancement in conscious and spiritual awareness ended, minds and hearts began to open around the world. The peoples realized that fear, warring, deception, poverty, unjustness, greed and corruption had long been the way of life in their world. Refusing to accept those conditions any longer, many set out to change them; and in growing numbers, individuals are undertaking this monumental venture with enthusiasm, determination and optimism. Resolving new or longstanding conflicts and righting all wrongs will zigzag for a time, but light-filled intentions are undergirded by vibratory rates that will continue to increase along Earth’s ascension course. Beneficial changes that once were on Earth’s far horizon are approaching her near horizon.
“What is in Earth’s energy field of potential? How do the souls at Matthew’s station see what is there? What is the field’s relationship with the collective consciousness and what happens here on Earth?” It is indeed important for us to explain this—the collective consciousness and the energy field of potential are the generators of what happens on Earth.
The thoughts and feelings of all life forms on the planet comprise the collective consciousness, and the power of this ever-changing energy mass “steers” all activity in the energy field of potential. We give the consciousness and the field those designations to describe their functions; however, the energy of these integral aspects of the universal law of attraction, which is in constant motion, is the same and they operate in tandem.
The field is limitless numbers of neutral energy streamers, each with an attachment—each thought and feeling of every person and the emotions of every animal—and the attachment is the streamers’ direction finder-connector, so to say. We see the streamers as threads connecting activity in the field with like-activity on the planet. The threads shimmer and gleam when there is joy, happy excitement, affection, encouragement or any other uplifting sensation on both ends. They are ragged and dim when connecting low-vibratory sensations such as discouragement, vengefulness, anguish, anger or prejudice.
Many thoughts and feelings enter the field with the addition of intention, and every intention creates a situation that has the possibility of development potential. If more of the same kinds of thoughts and feelings about that situation enter the field, their energy activates the development process. When those thoughts and feelings grow in sufficient numbers and strength, their combined energy moves the situation from a possibility to a probability.
If the quantity and strength of those particular thoughts and feelings keep increasing, the additional energy produced moves the situation’s probability status toward certainty, and motion in the field is smooth and steady. When nearly all thoughts and feelings about the situation are unified, the momentum of their energy becomes unstoppable and enables the manifestation of the outcome intended by the people involved.
If a large number of streamers with attachments of thoughts and feelings about a different outcome suddenly enter the field, their collective energy interrupts the process that had been propelling the situation toward certainty. The tumultuous activity that ensues makes the field look like a gigantic fireworks display as the energy of the first intended outcome attempts to regain its former strength and the energy of the opposing intention tries to become dominant.
Depending upon the importance of the situation at issue, the intensity of the differing thoughts and feelings about it, and an increase or decrease in numbers of each “side’s” streamers, the seesaw motion can continue for days, months or years before one of the energy masses becomes powerful enough to generate sustained activity until the outcome is manifested by the people who achieved their intended result.
Now then, putting the activity in the field into the context of what is happening on Earth, the dark ones are futilely struggling to keep their world domination intention alive and the awakened peoples are acting upon their light-filled intention to end that long era of control. And so it is, dear family, that you are seeing the downfall of the Illuminati that is being actualized by unseen sources.
One more note about the collective consciousness and Earth’s energy field of potential. They are the microcosmic perspective of the reality that the only thing in existence is cosmic consciousness—everything else is countless perceptions of what exists. Further, whatever happens anywhere affects everything else everywhere else. That is one reason highly evolved civilizations have been helping Earth’s peoples in so many ways to advance spiritually and consciously. The other reason is, they love these members of our universal family just as do we and all of you who went there to be lightworkers and way-showers.
“Please ask Matthew to comment on all the severe weather in the USA. I’m feeling this is due to lots of people’s inabilities to release their angers, frustrations and fears in a constructive way. Maybe in other places in which human emotions are in turmoil there’s been bad weather also.” The vibrations of emotions that are inherent in all intentions and deeds don’t just affect conditions in your world positively or negatively, they manifest those conditions. And, while it is true that the strong emotions the reader mentioned emit the low vibrations that contribute heftily to all forms of turmoil on the planet, weather control technology bears the brunt of the blame for severe weather everywhere.
The Illuminati still have enough power to suppress your technology that was developed for beneficial purposes and to misuse it to create destructive weather. Wild storms, tornados, flooding, and record high and low temperatures cause a great deal of humankind’s low-vibratory emotions, and dark hearts and minds require that kind of energy for their very existence.
To prevent negativity from amassing and becoming the dark ones’ refueling station, Earth releases it via earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. She chooses areas where loss of life and property damage are reduced to the greatest possible extent, and the technology of crews in your skies assists in leveling out effects of the releases. The crews also are reducing the toxins in chemtrails and industrial pollutants as well as the harmful emissions of 5G and other technologies.
Let us speak about California’s two earthquakes, which were not Mother Nature’s doing. That seismic activity was caused by the explosive destruction of the Illuminati’s vast underground base of laboratories and well-stocked lavish living quarters, a huge step in eliminating that secret society’s global network. Another step toward that end is the arrest of Jeffrey Epstein, an Illuminati ringleader in sex trafficking whose clients include numerous well-known individuals. Although both events happened in the United States, their impact is worldwide.
Your light has been paving the way to ending darkness on Earth, dear sisters and brothers, and every day that passes brings closer the grandly transformed world you volunteered to help the peoples bring to fruition. All light beings in this universe honor and support you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward