New Message from Matthew - August 18, 2019
23.08.2019 20:12 Matthew

Not for a moment are we suggesting being insensitive to lives near or far distant! Earth is known as one of the universe’s finest “emotional schoolhouses” because life there offers endless opportunities to learn, for instance, that joy enhances all aspects of life. Greed breeds contempt whereas generosity uplifts the hearts of givers and receivers. Compassion, forgiveness and gratitude are qualities to treasure. Laughter lightens the heart. Anger and deception can have grave consequences. Self-love and self-respect enable loving and respecting others.
Why are we speaking of this? Because everything on Earth is in acceleration mode, which is magnifying all feelings, and being emotionally drawn into the plights of others doesn’t end the situations causing their hardships. Only the power of light can do that, and there is no light in the emotions that world affairs are evoking in many, many people. The universal law of attraction can’t distinguish between what they do want and what they don’t—it brings back from the “universal soup” what most closely matches the energy they’re sending out.
This is why, beloved sisters and brothers, the light you are radiating is as essential in this moment as it has been all along in awakening Earth’s peoples and fortifying the efforts of all who are determined to right the world’s wrongs. Day by day you are helping them manifest Earth’s destiny: A peaceful world where everyone shares in its abundance and life is in harmony with Nature—the world that already is flourishing in fullness in the continuum.
“The increase of racial, ethnic, religious and cultural intolerance around the world is alarming. What can we lightworkers do to stop this hatred and bigotry from spreading further?”
First, let us mention the corruption, deception and greed that is being revealed in governments, multinational corporations and their controlled mainstream media. You tend to think of those as gigantic impersonal entities rather than what they comprise—millions of individuals with differing interests, ideas, opinions, beliefs and behavior. Collectively, those millions influence—it is not an overstatement to say control—life on Earth, however unwittingly on the part of all except those in the entities’ top ranks who have dark minds and hearts.
And, let us repeat the beginning of a previous message:
We have been asked if there is one particular aspect of life on Earth that lightworkers can focus on and speed the civilization’s evolution. For untold ages civilizations on the planet were devolving due to their inhumane treatment of each other and the animals. Therefore, that behavior’s opposite—love, kindness and respect for all life—must be the pathway to a civilization’s evolution.
Now then, as a civilization evolves, its world evolves correspondingly. And vice versa. What you are observing firsthand, so to say, is a primary reason that Earth’s once spiritually, consciously and technologically highly advanced civilization started devolving. When dark forces’ puppets manipulated the DNA of inexperienced civilizations, they removed knowledge of the Oneness of All, wherein all is love, and instilled fear and hatred of “different.” Ever since some of those souls incarnated on Earth eons ago in your concept of time, those feelings have grown as each generation ingrained them in the next.
So, it’s not that bigotry and hatred are starting to increase, but rather that incidents arising from them are in the glare of a global spotlight, where all can see their destructiveness and divisiveness. This frailty that the darkness inculcated in physical makeup had to be brought to light so the deep ages-old wound it has caused can be healed. And healing is happening—residents in communities directly affected by the tragic incidents are responding to hatred by uniting in love and people around the world are joining with them.
Lightworkers, you have been aiding the healing process all along by BEing the love-light that is the foundation of world transformation. A world doesn’t change by wishing it so—it is the power of love-light within the peoples that initiates and propels benevolent changes.
“Please talk about the plight of animals on Earth, especially the ones being raised for profit. Their suffering is so extreme and they are so innocent.”
This is inextricably intertwined with why Earth’s civilization started to devolve. Often we have spoken about animals, and I asked my mother to copy some passages of previous messages:
As consciousness-raising continues, people will learn that animal souls, not only human souls, evolve, and they deserve the same care and respect as humans. Some animals—usually those who are pets—are aspects of human souls who chose to experience in an animal body, and even when this isn’t the case, they have emotional and characteristic ranges similar to humans’, lacking only acquired traits such as tact, deception and wiliness. The higher orders of animals need to give and receive love as much as humans—in many cases, they do so more readily and loyally—and even those in the lower orders form bonds with people who tend to their needs. When we tell you that every soul is a part of God and all souls are One, this includes animals.
At soul level animals are aware of the angelic benevolence on their behalf. Even those whose lives are miserable have an angel force or influence to ease discomfort or end terribly painful physical lives. Some angels have greater numbers of animals or more intelligent ones to protect than others, but no angels’ responsibilities are more important than any other’s because all of those lives are meaningful in the universal balancing of animal energy.
The angels bring a sense of unity to their respective animals to preserve the species, but it isn’t their prerogative to wipe off the face of Earth those humans who are cruel to individual animals or even an entire species. Environmentalists who are acting in good faith—that is, not for selfish political, personal or economic reasons—are being inspired in their efforts by the animals’ angels.
During the seventy-some years Earth has been on her ascension course, the light has been raising the consciousness of your society to see animals’ critical importance in the balance of all life on Earth.
After some voices proclaimed that animals have the right to be treated humanely and with dignity and respect, groups started forming to act upon that premise; and a few courageous individuals were inspired to live in the wild and record their observations of specific species. Those beginnings burgeoned into today’s local, national and international organizations with the mission of saving animals and their native habitats. Some are making or expanding preserves for injured and orphaned wild animals, others are operating shelters or rescue and rehabilitation programs for maltreated domesticated animals, and many people are financially supporting these groups.
Outrage about inhumane conditions under which food animals live and die is forcing improvements in those areas. Zoos are creating or enlarging wildlife surroundings for their animals and breeding programs are saving endangered species. Circuses are responding to pleas to care for their animals conscientiously and kindly. National laws prohibit the export of native animals; part of enforcing anti-poaching laws is helping poachers find other livelihood; laws require breeders of pets to meet higher standards.
Extensive research into animal behavior, intelligence and communication is showing their similarity to you in those respects.
Increasing numbers of companion animals are being adopted; school children are being educated about the need to spay and neuter pets as well as their proper healthcare and nutrition. Many petitions advocating for animals’ wellbeing are in circulation—the very act of signing a petition sends forth light streamers—and the Internet abounds with films and photos showing cross-species friendship, even in the predator-prey chain, as well as some wild animals’ willingness to befriend humans.
Thank you, Mother. We ask that you give special attention to the last passage because all of your correspondence pertaining to animals over the years has been filled with despair about them. Dear ones, please heed what we said earlier in this message about the law of attraction—focus on the significant advancements on their behalf! And in the years since we enumerated some, many more beneficial changes in animals’ lives have come about.
Raising your vibrations by feeling grateful for these improvements will help to expand these kinds of programs and speed the progress of all efforts. Envision lions, giraffes, elephants, donkeys—all animals you call undomesticated or working breeds—in golden white light in jungles, forests, deserts, plains, fields and polar regions, and marine life in crystal clear waters. Do the same with cattle and horses in pastures, pigs and poultry running freely on farms, all companion animals happily living in loving homes. Visualizing thusly produces great amounts of light!
If you can, participate in local animal welfare groups or financially support them or projects that are national or international in scope. Indeed choosing vegetarian or vegan diets is helpful, but please know that some animal species lovingly made soul level agreements with humankind to provide nourishment in exchange for a good life and a merciful ending. So that people know of this agreement and fulfill their part, the ever-intensifying light is raising awareness worldwide that treating animals with kindness, respect and gratitude is a paramount factor in humanity’s wellbeing.
Beloved brothers and sisters, when you return to the worlds you voluntarily left to help Earth’s peoples, you will see how diligently, bravely and steadfastly you accomplished your mission. All light beings in this universe honor your invaluable service and support you with the power of unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward