Ashtar via Sharon, October 4th, 2019
05.10.2019 19:27 Ashtar | Sharon Stewart

We are aware that there is much difficulty within your community with dishonesty and deception. The lightworker community has been invaded by the dark in an effort to keep your collective vibration down. Off planet influences are working overtime to prevent spreading of light and love within your community. Social media is a large part of this as well.
It is part of your mission as a lightworker to learn to discern lies from the truth. As you determine words to be a lie, your vibration will rise and you will become more discerning. Being able to sense energy is also a valuable tool and the empathic one is best with this.
Sharon Stewart is such an empath. She is sensitive to lower energies but is faster now at transmuting them, which is the work all must do in order to help heal your world. My Divon Aquila, with her sword by her side, fighting for the light upon earth, is my voice and my heart. She stands in my shoes on your planet, she speaks my words for me so that I may assist you in other ways.
I am one of the most replicated entities by the dark ones. So is Archangel Michael. All channeled messages by any extraterrestrial/divine entity must be scrutinized to see if any part of the dark agenda hides within the channeled words. Beware that channelers are particularly targeted because of their ability to reach many people. People who channel organically can be easily compromised by the dark – they already have dominance of your lower minds. Sharon is adept at sensing the energy of, and finding the few words in a channeling that make it fake. Awareness of the dark agenda is key. At this time, naivety is your worst trait. The dark will stop at nothing to spread more lies and ruin the reputation of the light ones you work with.
It is your task to become aware of the ruses the dark ones are playing on you, it is your task also to master these ruses and not to fall prey to them. To the extent that you yourself are dishonest, you will be able to be fooled. You are living in a world of illusion where death, fear, anger and hatred run rampant. The only truth is love. To the extent that you fall outside of this truth, you can be deceived.
It is part of your work. It is part of your Ascension. We cannot protect you from these untruths – you must learn to do this yourself. In order to know the truth, you must know deception – that is part of duality. The dark is playing its role to the hilt and so you must never let your guard down. Keep your heart full of love and follow those who speak to your heart. You cannot go wrong.
I remain in service to your light,