A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner November 4, 2019
08.11.2019 21:04 Valerie Donner

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am serving long-term with the Earth Council as the earth progresses with the Ascension process.
We understand how challenging it is for many of you as the earth moves through this Ascension. You have shakeups. This is what occurs on a planet when it shifts from one reality to another. It can be choppy with breakdowns and breakthroughs. It is significant. The old third dimensional material world has not been serving most lives on the planet.
The earth wants to be free from the abuse and disrespect that she experienced from the darkness. She is patient and tolerant, but she has a right to freedom. Little did she know that this darkness would prevail for such a long time. That is why the ground crew, the most powerful light beings from all of creation, came at this time. Remember your mission even in times of discouragement. See the big picture for the overall possibilities that are coming to you and the earth. This earth is a school and you are about to graduate. She needs you and your fortitude along with your dedication and devotion. We recognize that at times you find it difficult to remain on course with the discouraging news that occurs right before you. But like the earth you shall prevail. Goodness is coming your way.
As Galactic's we wish that we could erase the obstacles in your way. However, we are using the methods that we have, which are many, to purge the darkness. Soon the earth will be free, and you will feel lighter and so will the earth. There are still numerous tasks to be completed and we have a heavy workload. You are working with us on this most important project. We are a team. We are getting to know you better and we love you. We are constantly making refinements and adjustments according to changing circumstances. We are flexible and reliable just like you.
In the days to come you will become increasingly aware of our presence. It's possible that we could pop by for a visual visit. We hear your pleas for evidence of our presence. For those who are aware and look up to the sky, we are present. Some are having more awareness of us depending on who you are and where you live. We think it is important to establish our image as a part of the Ascension. Again, we can only provide what you are ready to receive. Soon the blinders will be off, and our presence will be well known.
It takes courage to be a part of this grand experiment with the Ascension of the earth. This is the first time a planet will be ascending with life left on it. It is a complex procedure. We know how torturous it is for you to learn the truth about how you have been living. It is dark beyond measure and this is shocking to a human heart. So, it is incumbent upon you to understand that it is non-humans who have used you with their dark ways. Humans with a heart and soul would never harm others as these terrible beings have done.
Needless to say, it is over for those who cannot match the energy of higher dimensional consciousness. They are being removed and never allowed to return. You will be free, and we will all celebrate with you.
I send my love to you and thank you for your loving service. I am Mira.