Adama of Telos: Remember
15.01.2020 21:23 Hollow Earth

Highly beloved Friends, Brothers and Sisters on the face of the earth. I am Adama, the soul-keeper of Telos in Agartha, the inner world of the earth.
Many of you are beginning to remember us, beginning to understand that there really is a whole world in the interior of the earth. A world that is sunny, bright and beautiful. We have everything we wish for here, but the most important thing is the Love between us, empathy and humanity. “The freedom”, she writes, now thinks, “the freedom to be oneself”. And yes, here everyone can do, think and think what they want as long as no one else does harm. If you do not want to spend time with others, there are infinitely large areas with free nature here; mountains, lakes and wildlife. Indigenous peoples and the animals you “accidentally” exterminated on the surface live here in freedom without disturbing anyone. The system is in balance thanks to our absence of poisons and other manipulation of nature’s gifts. Our vehicles neither produce exhaust gases nor require asphalted roads that kill nature. The vehicles hover over the surface without leaving any traces.
To Telos, in particular, sometimes come people who have left the earth for various reasons. Perhaps it is stated by you that some vessel or persons have disappeared without a trace in the sea, the mountains or the like. We may then have saved them into Telos and offered them a life there. As self-caretaker / priest, I and my peers may be needed to convince newcomers that they are actually living physically and not in a dream. Many of you on earth still believe that the death of your body means the end of life. However, more and more people are waking up these days when the fog has eased and they more easily get in touch with both “dead” relatives, guides, angels and masters. You then remember and recognize the energies of your helpers on the “other side”. You remember that you belong to them.
Here in Agartha many of you are at home, since you have been here before. Maybe you haven’t been able to remember everything, because life on earth would be too heavy for you. Many of you, you forerunners, have turned off your memories to be able to accomplish your mission on earth. Now, however, is the time when the Light, the expected Light, returns to the earth’s surface. Everything is transformed, everything is cleansed and thus everything can be changed. Soon there is also on the surface the free energy, the fair economy and work that is done in love and joy for the benefit of the fellow human beings. The slavery that you have been in for so long dissolves and you become free to work with what you feel in your Heart that you want to contribute to others. Time dissolves as you live in the present and you again have time to play, socialize and enjoy life to the fullest.
We follow every step you take and hope to continue the communication until we can see eye to eye again. In Love, however, not “tooth for tooth” as that time has long since passed. We see how you forgive more and more that you have met in this life and others. That in turn means that you also get the Light in your Hearts to radiate even more to your fellow human beings. The spiral of love spins ever faster. The light’s entrance is here, unstoppable. Our common Mother Earth / Gaia is finally free, as are we all in these last days of purification. (the wind winds around the knot, the firs in the forest dance in the wind and the rain increases)
Beloved Friends, we look forward to meeting you all. Be in confidence, be in joy, be in the restful interior of your heart.
With Light and Love from your friend Adama in Telos.
Translation to English by
» Source » Channel: Kerstin Sisilla