Commander Ashtar’s Message to Humanity
02.06.2020 20:55 Ashtar

For those of you interested in understanding more about the ongoing efforts by Lightworkers to assist with Earth’s ascension, enjoy this detailed message from Ashtar, Pleiadian Commander of the Galactic Light Forces.
Greetings to all humanity and our friends. This is Commander Ashtar at your service.
It is always with great honor and excitement that I have the privilege to share with you some very important and meaningful updates. These updates can now be shared on a more regular basis for there is much happening on the earthly realm, both energetically and at a physical 3D level. Let us start with what is happening and permeating on your realm at an energetic level. There has been a two way influx of energy moving on to Gaia, your beautiful Mother Earth, and moving out from her. We have had a number of lightworkers and light warriors who have been conducting some very effective and efficient clearing work. They have cleared out layers of darkness—both physical and non-physical—from your realm.
Negative Entities Are Being Removed
This has represented a massive outflux, a mass exodus of negative entities and energy that has been removed both from inner Earth and Earth’s surface. We will not provide the details of what has been removed. For this would take far too long, and for some of you, it may instill more concern than relief. What I can say is that with the vast removal of these layers of darkness, there is now a greater influx of bright and powerful light as well as light codes and information. It has been more successfully permeating your planet. This light information has been landing in humanity’s DNA to trigger and activate the necessary information to prepare you all for the upcoming and impending ASCENSION. We understand that there are growing pains. Many of you are feeling Ascension illness and symptoms. We assure you these are temporary, and they are all for a grand and beautiful outcome.
Energetically, Gaia looks far brighter, she’s far healthier. This is not to say that there is not still work to be done. This is not to say that there are no more dark forces among you. There are, unfortunately. However, the good news is that a large number of them have been cleared and captured. They are no longer able to instill the amount of oppression, fear, and abuse that has been imparted among humanity for millennia, and in some cases, eons.
Light Forces are Making Significant Gains
At a physical level on your planet, the light forces are amassing speed, their efforts are being accelerated, largely because many of these dark forces have been removed, and as such, the lightworkers and the light warriors are increasingly unobstructed. The momentum that we have seen from our standpoint is incredible. We are seeing Light forces move steadily across many regions of your planet, even those far reaches that until recently, were, let’s say unattainable. The Light forces, our boots on the ground or our specialized ground forces, have reached every dark corner, every underground base, every underwater base, and even those cloaked dark ships that have been lurking in your skies, in your atmosphere—and even in the solar system—have been surrounded and in most cases, they have been captured and incapacitated. This is extraordinary news and we are pleased to communicate this with all of our friends on Earth.
We understand that you would like more information. Trust, when we say that in time, all the information that you need to know will be granted. For now, you simply need to know and understand that the light forces are ahead of the game. Their progress has been tremendous and victory is upon us. In many ways, this has been won, but there is still some logistical work and some covert operations that are still being carried out.
Humanity is Awakening
What lies ahead for humanity is beyond beautiful. The suffering, the oppression, the fear, anxiety and confusion that has plagued so many of you for too long is slowly starting to lift. Many who have felt fear as a result of this Coronavirus are slowly but surely emerging from the blanket of fear that has held them down. They are once again starting to pop their heads and open their spiritual eyes and awaken to the truth that surrounds them. But they are also awakening to the future and the life that they want to see and experience. And as such, they are creating this for themselves and they are perpetuating this at the collective consciousness level. Know that you do not stand alone. Of course, all of our lightworkers on the ground (whether you are aware that you are a light worker or not), stand shoulder to shoulder energetically and consciously. Know that you are joined by legions of your friends from the stars, both in non physical and physical form, who support you steadfastly.
Envision Your Beautiful Future
We, including myself Ashtar, all send you so much love and light. And we would like to congratulate everyone for their work. Whether you are consciously aware of what you have contributed to this mission, know that you have all played an important part and you have delivered your missions successfully. Continue to hold the light and to envision the future that you want for yourself. It is almost here. It is almost upon you all. Just a little bit more patience and a LOT of trust.
Your faithful friend,
Commander Ashtar