Dianne Robbins: The time is now for True Equality for ALL Races
19.06.2020 21:04 Dianne Robbins | Hollow Earth

A: I am Adama, High Priest and Ascended Master of Telos, here with you today. We are here with you in great numbers, over 25 million in all, from all the Subterranean Cities of Light. We are all unified into one great network of Light, called the Agartha Network. This network is vast in its scope, and is responsible for our safety under the Earth.
We attend great conferences, convening under the Earth, where our laws are discussed and weighed in the Light of God’s Divine Code of Ethics for the Earth. We are a self-regulating “government”, formed on the basis of Justice and Equality for all life, whether under or upon the Earth’s surface. All cases are weighed individually according to their specific circumstances, and all are judged by God’s Light and God’s Divine Code of Ethics so that all parties receive the greatest justice, and so that all parties benefit.
Our justice system is millions of years old, based on the original Lemurian system that was used when we lived on the surface in homes and communities similar to yours. We took this form of democracy with us when we decided to go underground 12,000 years ago. Our knowledge is vast, since our lives are long. We still have people alive who are 20,000–30,000 years old, and who, because of their lengthy age spans, remember “all that was” when we lived on the surface. These souls are wise indeed, for they have conscious access to all accumulated knowledge from that time forward. This is one of the ways we keep our laws pure, for we have the Divine Standard of God to base them on from the past. This was a time when we had reached glorious heights of evolvement.
Fortunately for us, we have been undisturbed beneath the Earth to carry on our evolution in peace and prosperity. Because of this, our evolution on all levels keeps increasing as the years go on. Someday soon, you, too, will be in the position of experiencing life in the peaceful and prosperous way it was meant to be lived. Then you, too, can gain in strength and wisdom, and evolve into the God Beings that you are.
All life needs peace for evolvement to take place. Without peace, species just struggle for survival, and never have “time” to add to the strength and wisdom that they have accumulated. So peace is a necessary factor for evolvement, and evolvement is a necessary factor for the continuation of a species.
All your brothers and sisters are here with you now; albeit, they are still in the higher dimensions, but they are here monitoring and protecting your planet. They are here to guide you on your path of evolvement to the Stars. So look to us, all of us who are here with you, whether from above or below, and call to us for strength and guidance. For we are all here for you, so that all of us, together, will find our way back home into the higher dimensions of Light.
Copyright © Dianne Robbins