A Channeling from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner September 1, 2020
04.09.2020 19:14 Valerie Donner

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I greet you today with love and solace for the challenging times you now find yourselves in on the earth. We are well aware of what you are experiencing. We are monitoring every situation and everything that you are going through right now. We wish that we had a magic wand and that we could take away your troubles. But this is not the way that a planet ascends.
As a planet moves into higher dimensions and higher consciousness that which is old and no longer serves will have to be released. As the light shines brightly upon the earth it is revealing hidden secrets that must be brought forth for the planet to rise above and into the golden age.
It can be touchy, sad, depressing, and one could question their own sanity when trying to cope with what is at hand. The planet Earth has been living in a darkness that is now something that you are learning about. You have been enslaved and not told the truth. So now it is time for the breakdown of the old systems so that the old controllers can be removed and you can be free.
We understand how uncomfortable it is for you right now while many are asleep. However, more are awakening. As this happens more and more will awaken and you will be drawn to each other. We are talking about moving from the head to the heart in preparation for how you will be living in the 5th dimension and higher.
We are very busy in the higher realms. You have our complete focus for your ascension and well-being. Each of you are being divinely guided and divinely protected. We encourage you to assist each other and live from your hearts. Do not try to make sense or to understand all of the occurrences that are going on in your world. Your brain cannot comprehend the multidimensionality that you are now living. Be prepared for miracles and magic.
Please don't worry! The Creator is the only one who knows it all and is the one who is protecting your back! This ascension is a labor of love for all who are involved with it. Soon you will be living in a beautiful new world and you will see that it was all worth it.
We love you and we are with you! I am Mira.