Dianne Robbins Monthly Message - Our Telos Governing System
03.11.2020 21:34 Dianne Robbins | Hollow Earth

I AM ADAMA ~ Know that in Telos, we are governed by a Council of twelve Ascended Masters. This is a magical number. Twelve is the number of completion. All our councils operate on the basis of this number. We convene our councils on a regular basis, according to the needs of our population. Sometimes special meetings are called to meet emergency situations that arise, similar to the surface. All our people actively participate in our type of government on a rotating basis. This experience enables all to develop their leadership skills.
Our councils maintain the extraordinary capability of solving even the most complex of problems, due to the wisdom we have accumulated during our long lifespans. You, too, on the surface, will begin to accumulate wisdom as you live longer and longer lives.
Your Tax System Is Fraudulent
As you know, there is no tax system in the Subterranean Cities or in the Hollow Earth. We are tax free, and everything we need is generously given to us from Mother Earth herself. It seems ludicrous to us to have to pay a tax on fruit from our Mother’s garden or grains from her fields, that she yields so generously. We wonder at the reasoning behind taxing the foods that are supplied from the Universal Food Basket of Abundance, and denying people their share.
Here in Telos, all foods and commodities are free, and are freely given or bartered for. This way, everyone has everything they need to live a life where all necessities are met, and which results in freedom of time to live and develop our creativity. We don’t think about money or taxes, so our thoughts are free to roam the universes.
In Telos, we go about business in complete alignment with Universal Laws. We know that your tax system on the surface is fraudulent, so we don’t participate in it. We don’t ever tax anyone for anything. Our laws and regulations are direct from the Creator, and it is the Creator that we answer to. There’s no “middle man” in the way. We bring all our business concerns to our councils, where we resolve conflicts individually and according to Universal Law. This way, only justice is enacted and only justice results. We are very particular about our business connections, and seek only those “contracts” which are aligned with Universal Law. There is no profit ever gained at the expense of another, for we all are that “other”, and by protecting others, we protect ourselves.
We are saddened by the state of affairs on the surface. You have become slaves to a corrupt system of usury. You have unwittingly given your power away, and work long hours to pay debts that you don’t really owe. We believe in democracy, and the right of all human beings to live in peace and with abundance, and in a system supported by justice for all.
We Are Free of Income Taxes
We acknowledge your sovereignty and desire to be free of income taxes. In Telos we pay no taxes, nor is such a thing ever considered.
We are a free people, each and every one of us, and equally responsible for the economics of our society. Everything we need or use is exchanged through our Barter System. This system acts as an “even exchange”, so that we can freely obtain and trade for whatever we need. This gives us great latitude and freedom in our exchange system, and makes bartering “fun”. No one is deprived of anything, nor is anything ever taken from us.
We value our freedom above all else. We would never allow a system of taxation to exist, for it would deprive us of our inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Sound familiar? You on the surface have been duped by your government into believing that you have to pay taxes. Nothing is further from the truth. For in truth, you established your government so as not to be burdened by taxes. You are all free—you just don’t know it.
In Telos, all our goods have equal value, and we “price” things within a certain range so that they can be exchanged for a variety of items. All domestic items are made by us, and we “import” only technological equipment when we need it, and then return it when we’re done. It isn’t necessary for us to “own” everything we use, such as is your custom on the surface. We share what we need, hence “eliminating” the factory production system and long hours of conveyor belt work. Our life is easy, providing all we need in half the work time.
Addendum: Excerpted from Secrets of the Subterranean Cities - by Sharula Dux
The GOVERNMENT OF TELOS Is constructed of a Council of Twelve. These twelve beings are ascended masters. They are beings who have proved themselves of being in high wisdom and being able to hold their head cool during any sort of incident. We always have within our Council, six men and six women, so that the Council also always remains balanced, that both flames, the male flame and the female flame are equally represented. From the major Council of the Twelve, it goes down to smaller councils throughout the city, also operating on the level of twelve.
Individual areas bring in their problems to the local council, and if the local council cannot deliberate a solution that is acceptable to all concerned they then bring it to the larger councils, and then finally to the original Council of Twelve. For individual problems, these do not come before the council. Instead these come before what we call arbitrators. Arbitrators are usually priests or priestesses with very much an understanding of the human psyche and are also capable of looking into the Akashas. These arbitrators will listen to both sides of a story, if it is, for instance, a dispute civil, and will then make a decision based on what they have heard and what they have read in the Akashas on both sides.
We have immediately decided that since this method works, once an arbitrator makes a decision, understanding that they will make it from the highest level, being priests and priestesses, they will not be caught into a personalization, either for or against either side. So we have decided that we will accept their decision, whatever it is, and incidents stop there. And we have also found, rather than arguing with each other, should a small incident come up, we immediately go to arbitrators, understanding that an argument can more often than not make it worse, than anything else.
Heading the Council of Twelve, the official title is Council of Twelve plus One. The one is actually two beings themselves, which is the Ra and Rana Mu, which are the king and queen of Telos. Ra and Rana signifies that they are high Melchizedeck priests and priestesses to start with. They are also usually twin flames and it is a hereditary position. The Ra and Rana Mu lineage is unbroken for over 30,000 years as it stands right now. When the next Ra and Rana Mu are being chosen they do not automatically go to the oldest son or daughter, but the Ra and Rana Mu decide which of their children or grandchildren are the most capable of carrying it off. That being is then instructed that sooner or later they will have to go through full temple training and become a full Melchizedeck priest or priestess.
In the arrangement, as it is, when the Council of Twelve makes a decision, the Ra and Rana Mu can back it up or they can ask for a change. And, one more voice, comes into this government process, and that's the temple. The temple is recognized as the final word on any decision, because in many ways this is, as are the other subterranean cities, a temple society. The temple, even though most of the time, will not interfere with civic government, as I said, they can make final decisions through the high priest and high priestess.
The temple is run by the Melchizedeck. The Melchizedeck is a cosmic priesthood. Everywhere in the universe the Melchizedeck exists. It is all those who are bringing the light plans from the highest realms down to the other realms. A Melchizedeck priest or priestess by their very proof, prove that they will always set light or they will always set the good of the many above their personal good, which has also been proven time and time again as to why the temple can make the last decision, because they will always place what the light prefers, in essence what God wishes way over what they desire, what they would choose to achieve. Thus the temple also becomes a very good sounding board to what we are doing at the time.
Copyright © Dianne Robbins