A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner July 3, 2021
06.07.2021 21:28 Valerie Donner

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am pleased to speak with you today, to our beloved ground crew hard at work. We are with you and know of your comings and goings, your successes and your failures, as you see them. We realize your doubts and your fears, your needs and challenges. We comprehend how much your world is changing and your relationships, also. In fact, it is challenging to find any place in your lives that is not changing.
This is what ascension is about. It’s about loving, learning your lessons, and letting go. You cannot rise into higher consciousness if you are still holding onto the chair in which you are sitting. Can you imagine there could be something so much more comfortable for you? Maybe you will be sitting in the commander’s chair on your ship with your galactic family? Yes, anything is possible.
Gone are the days of the old illusions. You are awakened beings of light so the illusions apply very little to you now. You are aware of what is true and what is not. You have had numerous experiences of having been tricked. It’s becoming what you call “old hat.” The dark ones are having trouble tricking you and confusing you like they used to do. You know the truth in your heart. Even though tricksters still try to mess with you, you are finding their energy less attractive. Be aware if something seems too good to be true. Do not hang on to every word some of these people are saying. The garbage has to be taken out.
The truth is rising to the surface like a meteor falling to the ground. When it falls it will bring explosive information that will spread quickly now. Most of humanity, whether they realize it or not, want to know the truth. These are the end times of living in the material third dimensional consciousness. The human soul longs for peace. We reassure you this is how you will be living.
Step-by-step, day by day, you are creating your new world. Before you know it, you’ll be living in 5th dimensional higher consciousness. We are working together as a powerful force of light to lift the earth and all of life into higher consciousness.
Keep your eyes on the skies because we are with you.
I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and the Earth Council sending you, our love.