Ashian: The One Lesson You Need
01.04.2022 21:27 Jennifer Crokaert

Ashian: Greetings! We are pleased and honoured to have the opportunity to speak with you again.
Jennifer: It’s good to be in your company. So, I keep deleting my channels because I’m not sure what’s me and what’s you. So here we go: Take 17 – Action!
A: We wish to reassure all hearts that regardless of what is happening in the outside world, you are safe and loved eternally. There is not one moment that passes when you are not surrounded by a group of loving beings – for some it is angelic beings, for others galactic beings, for others it is a mixture – who guide, nurture and, as far as they can, protect you.
If you only knew how precious every hair on your head is, you would begin to understand how deeply loved and treasured you are, in every single moment of your life. Your every word, thought and action is cherished, even when you judge yourself. You are the Divine playing in form and that is sacred. You are sacred.
If you were to learn anything on this experience you call Gaia, let it be that you are loved.
It’s the hardest lesson, wisdom, insight, mastery because all the clues are lined up to point you in the opposite direction. And yet… despite all the programming, something inside you whispers that you are loved, that you are Love, that there is something precious and special about you.
Perhaps you only allow yourself to bathe in that truth fleetingly, when you are at your lowest or highest point… Every single human being has this seed of knowningness planted deep within. Your mission here is to cultivate this seed until it is fully expressed and experienced in your minute by minute life experience.
The process of falling in love, of having children, of having pets or even beloved plants, is to remind you – you teach what you need to learn – of the sacred being that you Are. When you show another how special they are, you remind yourself of your precious, never again to be repeated, unique brilliance.
It all comes back to this truth: you are amazing. You are love. You are the Divine playing at being human.
J: Any tips for how we can learn that/live that better?
A: Show someone! Every smile affirms the unique glory of the other person and of You. Every time you encourage someone else along, you are affirming them and yourself, you’re reminding both of you of your sacred essence.
It’s simple.
J: Yes! It’s just a shame simple isn’t easy!
A: Indeed! And yet where would the achievement in that be?
J: Right now I could live with that!
A: Dearest hearts, you imagine you could let go of the chaos around you in a heart beat, but the reality is that you could not, because you are hardwired for this job, to see it through to the end. That’s why only the bravest, strongest and most experienced were allowed to interview for this position. For every one of you on the ground, there are over a hundred who were turned away, because they did not have the necessary character/experience/talents.
You are not here by accident.
You are here on purpose, by your own divine will.
And you are Magnificent.
(c) 2022 Jennifer Crokaert