A Message from Apollo and from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, June 1, 2022
03.06.2022 20:59 Valerie Donner

Message from Apollo
Greetings from the Galactic Command Center. I have moved closer to interact with the earth's ground crew for obvious reasons. I am sure you understand the importance of the incredible shifts that are occurring now on your planet. The Galactic’s are focused on assisting with your ascension. Most of the obstacles and barriers have been removed. This means that whatever was blocking your transformation has been transported. The darkest of the dark are no longer on the planet. We have seen to that. You are beginning to see the inherent love and beauty coming from the earth. This removal is making the earth extremely happy. She has been waiting for a long time for this transition to occur. The month of May has been pivotal for your planet. We are in your skies. We are cleaning them up and holding loving energy for life on the planet. We are assessing and evaluating where we are needed constantly. We love our jobs. We are very good at them. We honor the work of the ground crew. Please go outside often and look for us. We are in celebration mode and soon you will be too. Please prepare for all the joy that is coming your way.
Message from Mira
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council working full-time with the Earth Council.
Currently, there is much to behold on the earth. The comings and goings are quite exquisite. The light, the life, the cleansing and clearing, are transforming your planet. We also celebrate the removal of the dark ones. Their removal is long overdue. It should warm your hearts to know their reactions to being removed. They are getting what they deserve and will never be allowed to return to the earth again.
You are in a time of restoration that is an important necessity for the survival of the earth and life upon it. We would recommend the ground crew consciously strive to cleanse their bodies, minds, thoughts, and words, because this will also affect the consciousness greatly. By becoming more aware of vibratory sounds that come from your vocal cords, you will begin to understand how you can make higher contributions to elevating the consciousness of the planet. The old thoughts and words are stagnant. The fear-based visuals used in movies, and other media, contaminate and will no longer be acceptable on the earth. If you pay attention, you'll begin to see how some people are already delving into this subject. They are powerful and they are going to cripple some of these businesses that have been perpetuating the toxicities.
Please go into your hearts and rank what is most important to you. Ask where you can be of great service and assess where your passion is first and foremost. We assure you that you will have the resources that you need to follow your hearts. You can become examples to others so they can do likewise. Your communities and your expanded spiritual families are drawing close. This is how you go about creating the Golden Age. You might also remove those you have put on a pedestal. Realize you are all equal and some of those on the pedestal do not deserve to be there. What's important is your light and your gallant hearts directing you to your most passionate projects.
As the old systems begin to fail, you may find yourselves working miraculously to create new systems. Some of you already have ideas for starting anew. The earth will become your canvas and you will use your paintbrush to create your infinitely beautiful new earth. By looking around you will notice, with your raising consciousness, where attention is needed. From these observations you'll be able to gather other like-minded friends to take action.
Begin to imagine a safe, quiet, clean, cooperative, loving, well-functioning, happy, fun, and joyful new planet. See how joyful it will be for us, your galactic family, to come and go. You will share, and we will share, and learn from each other. We are excited about being with you. We enjoy celebrations and there will be many.
What do you have to do now, ground crew? Hold the light. Pay attention. Watch the skies. Follow your heart. Create new dreams. Have compassion for everyone. Release fear and choose love. Be in your truth. Help others. Share. Be in nature. Enjoy animals. Let go of what no longer serves you. Stay in the present. Be patient. Look for magic and miracles. Feel the well-being that is here now and continue to improve upon it. Take good care of yourselves.
The skies around the earth are filled with your galactic brothers and sisters. We are doing our part for the transformation of the earth, as well as, for all of creation. The earth is so special that what happens here affects all of life. You are special too. Please understand the truth of these words. We are all so pleased to be with you and to experience this ascension together.
I am Mira sending you lots of Love.