A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, August 1, 2022
05.08.2022 21:20 Valerie Donner

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently working full time with the Earth Council.
I am pleased to be with you to deliver this message. In many ways these are the best of times, and they are the worst of times. Truly, humanity was never prepared for these types of change. Your daily lives have been routinized and locked into the material world in the matrix. What you thought was secure is becoming questionable. Almost every aspect of life that you have taken for granted for the last 50 or more years, depending on your age, is now being amplified.
Whether it is higher prices, shortages, finances, housing, employment, health, relationships, or governments, almost everyone is having challenges. This intensity is putting pressure on everyone. Many are feeling they are being squeezed to the breaking point. So what do you do?
First of all you realize that you are in a time of profound change. Everything is coming to the surface to be changed, cleared, and healed, whether it is in your world or in your body. There is much at stake because your old world is falling apart. This can make one feel insecure and uncertain. This is the point when one must go inside and connect with the heart and Prime Source. Both of these will sustain you and prepare you for living in the New Earth from your hearts.
Right now there is an abundance of confusion. This is intentional from the dark forces. This is also a springboard for one to develop more of their psychic abilities and to pay attention to the energies that are coming from various sources. The clever dark forces are up to their old tricks and some of them are not very smart. I will say the ground crew are getting smarter and you are seeing through the dark ploys. This is part of the awakening. It is intended to help awaken the sleeping ones. This awakening is happening at breakneck speed.
Some are disregarding the old rules and regulations because they are no longer relevant. The awakened ones are seeing the control and intentions behind these systems. Even the unawakened ones are starting to question the norm. Progress is being made.
What's most important to ride through these challenging times, is to have a strong spiritual practice. Whether it is being out in nature, regular meditation, spiritual groups and classes, art, music, dance, whatever helps. These will help you find joy and happiness in your daily lives while the old material world falls apart. Welcome the new and say goodbye to the old. You are doing a great job!
I am Mira sending love, gratitude, and strength.