James Gilliland - The Empowering dream for all teachers, healers and everyday life
16.08.2022 19:50 James Gilliland
I was in between the sleep and awake state having a conversation with a master. I asked why people attack you when you are just trying to help them. She said you are not giving them what they want. You tell them what they need to hear not what they want to hear. People come to you for acknowledgement and support. While you support their light side you also acknowledge but don’t support their dark side. Just knowing their dark side makes you a threat to their egos and whatever is unhealed, no matter how deep they have buried it. The more spiritually advanced one becomes the more you mirror and amplify their wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences. It is called the wake of a Yogi. It forces and accelerates the healing process. You are a threat to the posers, those living in denial and those who are not fully committed to their own healing and ascension.
The Master then said many who profess to be strong leaders are putting up a front to cover deep wounds and traumas, their own victim patterns. They are trying to work out their own patterns by helping others not knowing it is themselves they are trying to heal. Victims often come with agendas. When you do not fulfill their agenda, they shift to persecutors and you become the victim. Before you were the savior. The deeper the wounds the darker more vicious the attack. They have to assassinate your character to continue in the lie. Their egos are fighting for dear life to survive but their enemy is often fictitious. They are only fighting their own projections.
I asked how do you get out of the victim, savior, persecutor hamster wheel. She said by practicing loving detachment. Knowing the only reason people have power over you is because you want something from them. Whether it is love, acceptance, approval, support emotional or financial find it within. Become sovereign without seeking external fulfillment. Stay centered in your heart because that is your connection to God and from there you have the power to channel the love of God, the ultimate power of the Multiverse through you into any situation. Just be sure you know what God is, don’t settle for the images of bearded gods of ancient times. A better image is the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse which in its most unlimited understanding is the all loving all forgiving God, pure unconditional love, joy and bliss.
I told the Master it is not an easy walk. By nature we desire love, compassion, intimacy, we are hard wired for it. The Master said you live on a very wounded planet with a very wounded history, not just this life but a history going back millions of years. It is psychometrized into the very land itself. This is in the process of healing and when it comes to people some are further along in that process while others are lagging behind in denial not ready to face the pain, sorrow and release the past. One does not have to be healed or enlightened to find joy in each other’s company, that is an ongoing process, one just needs to make a commitment to the awakening and healing process. There will be ups and downs, that is life. Choose to be an observer of and take personal responsibility for one’s attitudes, emotions and the events unfolding in one’s everyday life. Always go back to the heart, your center depersonalize each situation, find the triggers within self that pulled you from your center and practice loving detachment. That is the path of Self Mastery.
I asked why is there so much competition, judgement, fighting in the spiritual and UFO community? The Master said because they just may not be as far as they think in their own self-mastery, stuck on the victim/savior/persecutor hamster wheel defending their egos. She also said you cannot help them unless they want help and many do not desire it. Many need to be right at any cost. Some are there to understand and heal themselves, while others are there to sew seeds of division, attack the characters of others. There are also those willingly and in ignorance being driven by unseen negative influences. They are not driven by truth or willing to let go of the lies. They are the planned opposition those controlling the narrative. Their lives off the stage are often opposite the image they project while in the spotlight. Watch their actions and who they associate with off stage, research where their funding comes from and where it goes. It is important to know their come from. What is their true motive for doing what they do? Is it fame, money, are they coming from impeccable integrity? Are they trying to fill a void that was not filled in childhood, a lack of love, acceptance and approval? The masks are all coming down. It is occurring in every walk of life, every institution. It is unavoidable. It is important for everyone to constantly check their come from often with brutal honesty. The ego will often override what is obvious to others. Set the ego aside and become a good listener.
Sit with yourself in nature, create sacred space by clearing any unseen negative influences, be brutally honest with yourself. Ask yourself why you are here, are you in self-service or service to others? Are you coming from your heart of hearts or from a wounded ego seeking external fulfillment? These are hard questions every master has to ask of themselves often repeatedly.
Unfortunately my son, you know people better than they know themselves because you come from the heart. Do not forget the quote, “A Christ has no place to lay their head.” Unfortunately, that is true on Earth in most cases unless you live in pristine nature. Lay your head in heaven, there you are known and loved. Create Heaven on Earth and live according to Universal Law. You will make mistakes and there will be a time to set firm boundaries. Gain the wisdom from the experience and try again from a wiser state. Sin is only an archery term; it means you missed the mark. Forgive yourself and ask the forgiveness of others and reload. Your work does not go unnoticed. That is why the masters and the lights in the sky are appearing. Do not allow the judgements and opinions of others define you. They are only defining themselves. Most cannot see beyond the wall of their own wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences. They can only see what that wall is mirroring back to them.
Pray, meditate and continue in your practices. Know we are a thought and a feeling away. Trust in the plan, it is God’s plan, it will have many twists and turns, focus on the end goal. God/Creator/Great Spirit Wins.
Received by James Gilliland.