Judith Kusel – A Divine Gift of Love
23.08.2022 21:14 Judith Kusel

Judith Kusel
All is changing so rapidly now, and there is huge upward surge now, which is impacting on all of us, in some form or way.
It is best to stay fully in the present, and allow all to unfold as it should. All is on track, even if we cannot as yet foresee what our future will be like as we ascend. We get glimpses of it, but in truth, the only true moment of living, is in the here and now.
It means staying fully centered and anchored in the Heart and Soul, embracing Divinity within, and I am finding that each day, has its own blessing, its own miracle, its own insights and visions, and revelations. More than this, joy, love and beauty. I simply take moments to just breathe it all in, and allow gratitude to flow.
All which is now happening, is a Divine Gift of Love.
You are a Gift of Love unfolding as you are ascending into the New Earth.
Thank you for being that Gift of Love.
More than this, every single day, is bringing its own gifts of love: – it is up to us to open those gifts and to be grateful for the miracle of ascension.
It is indeed a miracle: transfiguration from one density into a much higher, from one dimension into another, and more than this, from one type of physicality into another!
You are not only a Gift of Love, but a miracle in the unfolding!