A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian high Council October 26, 2022 through Valerie Donner
01.11.2022 10:09 Valerie Donner

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council speaking with you today from the Earth Council. Our eyes are on you as everything is being churned up on your planet. You have made excellent progress with removing the dark forces since we last spoke. Some of them are sitting on pins and needles knowing they have very little time left to be on the earth. Everything is being stripped away from them. They have completely lost control over you and the earth. They only have a few more tricks up their sleeves before before it will be complete.
Some of you have been feeling as if you have been walking on a tight rope, as you gently take one step after the other and look out wherever you can, because this is necessary now. Every day there are new revelations. These revelations need to being keenly addressed. They require you to look deeply into the past to see how it has infected the current times. This is why you came back from the future to change this now moment.
More people are awakening to the ugly truth that will set you all free. The Legions of Light are the celestial warriors of light. The Creator is fully active in their hearts, as well as in yours. The activations of the human heart are bringing forth a power to be reckoned with and a strength that is beyond compare. There has never been anything like what is going on with the earth right now. You are breaking all records of history from throughout the ages. We are keeping meticulous records and notes about how this is being done. Rest assured that the greatest minds and forces of light in every form of being, are completely in charge of this process. You are a part of this force of light, ground crew.
We will stop at nothing until the dark has been completely removed from this loving earth that you inhabit. You are the most creative and loving beings in all of creation. You are the ones who have taken responsibility for this grand finale of releasing the earth from enslavement. You have kept your commitment to the Creator. For this you will all be rewarded.
We understand this journey has taken you through many painful lifetimes on the earth, and other planets, to have the expertise to do what you are doing now. Please do not underestimate your gifts, your strength and inherent abilities. You are being pushed to the test now at this pivotal moment. Even your thoughts are a part of the strategic changes being implemented at this time You are working together in oneness and that is what is most important.
You might feel fragmented and like you are the only ones holding the light for the New Earth but this is not so. Each one of you is being ignited like a match and striking a new cord in the fire of creation. This makes your work and your energy even more formidable to those who have had control. We are with you and we know what it is like to go through the ascension process.
Some of you are questioning everything, and that is perfectly normal when you are ascending. Your bodies are going through many levels of change, so if you feel out of sorts; this is also normal. Some days you might need to soak up the sun, take long naps or walks. You may need to be with people, or you may need to be by yourself, because you're processing these changes extensively. You may be awakened in the night receiving guidance, light and love. When you awaken in the morning you may feel anew. You are becoming anew.
Whatever you are experiencing is part of the great revelations being shown to you. Keep synthesizing these experiences so that you can clear the energies with which you are working.
These are exciting times and soon you will find yourselves living in a magical and perfect world.
I am Mira sending you all of our love and good fortune.