Judith Kusel: Deep Healing of the Wounded Warrior
09.12.2022 21:05 Judith Kusel

Judith Kusel
Since the Fall of the Lion Kingdom, humanity has been haunted with and by the war which broke out between two brothers, and ultimately caused the destruction of the Lion Kingdom. This old karmic link, and the old karmic replays, are now surfacing, and need to be healed into the deepest collective woundedness and brokenness of the Masculine and Feminine.
For with it comes the healing of atomic warfare, and more than this the immense destruction of highly advanced civilizations on earth, time and again.
Everywhere this is recorded and buried deeply within the human psyche. It is there in the story of Enki and Enlil, recorded in the Babylonian tablets, the story of Kain and Abel, and repeated all over the world. It is deeply embedded in the collective destructive patterns, of humankind, the last being Atlantis.
I have worked with soldiers, newly returned from the battle fields of Iraq, South African soldiers who carried the wounds of the Angola war still within in, conscripted into the army with no other choice than to go to war, and those who were still in trapped in ghostly form on the Battlefield of the Anglo-Boer and Zulu Wars.
You cannot kill anyone, without getting killed inside.
I will never forget how I was told that the first time you kill someone, you feel a deep remorse, a deep woundedness, guilt, shame, and beyond that. The second time it gets easier, and by the third, it just becomes automatic.
I witnessed their woundedness. I was told how they feared going home, and needing to face their own families, as they had killed other families.
I often went home and wept.
I have seen that woundedness, in my own family and how this woundedness carries over into generations – a deep bitterness and anger, often suppressed and never voiced, yet it is there.
I have witnessed this in places where I stood in France where the battles of war and genocide was clogging the energy fields, and I had to go and release it all as I was called to do immense energy work. I have witnessed this here in South Africa, where I had to release in a few places, the immense tragedy which war brings, and the creatures involved in that war, which took place many millions of years ago!
I have experienced this with three of my cousins being murdered in cold blood because of ancient wounds never resolved.
Yes, I am speaking into the soul of humanity and into your own soul.
Has the war not carried over into our very relationship with each other – within marriages, within families, within society at large?
There is a deep purification and purging going on, which is speaking deeply within the soul of humanity.
It is time for the wounded warrior to be healed within all of us, all our families and all ancestral lineages.
It is time for us to understand, that the same divisions, the same old woundedness, of separation, of alienation now need to be healed within us, in order to heal in the collective.
We may not have killed anyone physically, but how often have we killed them with our thoughts and the feeling invoked with them? Energy is just as potent as a weapon itself.
It is time for a deep forgiveness and Loving Grace.
Taking that wounded warrior within all of us, in arms and finally healing those wounds of war and separation and destruction.
It is time to understand that there is nothing to fear from each other, only to embrace and to love.
It is time for the healing of the wars between the two brothers.
It is there recorded in the Vedic texts, in beautiful ways, how the one reluctant to fight, was forced to fight to defend his own.
If we all are one – what is there to defend?
Not only is this a deep healing of the war between the two brothers, but also a deep healing of the deepest collective memory of all our souls, of the Wars of Heavens, in which we all were involved in, at some level as comes out time and again in my Soul Readings.
It is time for the deepest forgiveness, and deepest healing and deepest reconciliation with many lost parts of ourselves and the parts we so often denied. The deepest shadows and the deepest pain.
It is time to forgive, as women, the times when this wounded warrior raped women to vent his own anger, and woundedness on women, and thus inflicted more wounds.
Yes, it is time to heal into the deepest of our collective warriors and collective woundedness and into the core of our souls, and allow ourselves to be cleaved open, and finally to heal.
And heal we can only through the power of forgiveness and loving grace, and more than this: Love, unconditional love.
For in truth, all the warrior ever was looking for, was wholeness and love.
And the tragedy is, that the wholeness and love was already INSIDE of him, in his own soul as ever ONE with the Divine, who lives within himself/herself.
We are returning to ONE.
There is only Love.